Officially being accused of a crime can be a stressful and upsetting experience for anyone. A conviction can have far-reaching effects on your life, including the possibility of incarceration or release.
Hiring a lawyer to represent you in a criminal case is a major decision—possibly the most significant one you’ll ever face. Hiring the wrong lawyer can have lifelong repercussions. If you have an unprofessional lawyer, you can end up pleading guilty to a crime you didn’t commit, or one that the state can’t establish beyond a reasonable doubt. Your lawyer or attorney must look into the circumstances of your case, and study the applicable laws in order to get the best outcome for you.
Ultimately, you can save yourself time, money, and possibly even your freedom by consulting with a team of skilled criminal defense attorneys. It is in your best interest to retain the services of a criminal defense attorney who has experience with cases such as yours.
Consider these four reasons while deciding whether or not to be represented by a professional in court.
A Professional Can Lighten Your Sentence
Your lawyer may negotiate a plea bargain with the prosecutor on your behalf if doing so is in your best interests. As part of these deals, you might get your charges dropped or your sentence reduced. The prosecution is more likely to provide a more generous plea deal to a defendant who is represented by a criminal defense firm than to an unrepresented one, especially if your record is clear.
If the client is willing to cooperate with the investigation and prosecution processes, their attorney may be able to help them avoid charges altogether or receive reduced charges in exchange for their assistance. The attorney could even be able to convince the police that they are focusing their attention on the wrong suspect.
Your Attorney Can Help You Start Fresh
Regardless of the state you live in, under U.S. law, your lawyer can assist you to get your record wiped if you have only been convicted of a minor offense once, and have no additional convictions from before or during the trial. The term “expungement” refers to the legal procedure by which a person’s criminal record is erased or sealed from public view.
An expungement order tells the court to disregard a conviction as though it never happened, sealing the defendant’s criminal record and, ideally, making it unavailable to the general public. You may be wondering why I need a lawyer, or should I hire an expungement lawyer in Los Angeles, for example? The simple answer is yes, you need it because it will help you get a new fresh start without the burden of a criminal record in the future.
The Expert Can Assist You in Understanding Your Rights
Hiring a skilled criminal defense attorney is crucial for a number of reasons, the most obvious being their familiarity with the legal system. The legal procedure can be difficult to understand, even for those who work in the field every day; nevertheless, a skilled defense attorney is familiar with the ins and outs of the judicial system and can advise you accordingly. An accomplished legal representative can safeguard your constitutional rights and keep you from providing incriminating information to law enforcement.
They Have the Potential to Save You Money
Do not pay attention to those who tell you that it is a waste of money to hire an attorney once you have been accused of a crime or that having a lawyer would simply make you appear guilty. In fact, engaging the services of an attorney at an early stage of the process may end up saving you money in the long run in addition to relieving you of a significant amount of worry, particularly if the attorney is successful in having the allegations against you dropped entirely.
It seems counterintuitive to assume that a more costly professional will save you money, but history has proven that it is usually always worth it to pay the additional money on an experienced criminal defense counsel. They are able to assist you in obtaining the most favorable sentence feasible given the circumstances of your case, which may allow you to maintain your employment or prevent you from losing your professional license.
If you were to lose your job tomorrow, how many months’ worth of income would you be out of pocket? If you were to lose your professional license, how many years’ worth of prospective earnings would be wiped out? Even if you are not let go from your job, going to jail or having to appear in court for a prolonged period of time may impose financial pressure that may be avoided.
Final Thoughts
Being charged with a crime is a serious matter. Before determining whether or not to hire a lawyer, think about the following considerations. If you have only been convicted of a minor offense once and have no other convictions from before or during the trial, a competent attorney can assist you to get your record cleaned.
A lawyer specializing in expunctions can help you start over without the stigma of a previous conviction hanging over your head. A competent attorney can protect your constitutional rights and prevent you from giving important information to the authorities. In light of your unique circumstances, they can help you secure the best possible sentencing.