Conflict is a massive issue in the workplace and it’s notoriously difficult to manage. Most business leaders would rather avoid the problem altogether, but this can result in a toxic work environment which makes everyone within unhappy, thereby increasing staff turnover. As such, it is important to effectively identify and quash conflict before it can escalate into something worse. To help business managers with this predicament, we are going to be imparting 4 helpful tips for resolving conflict in the workplace. Keep reading if you want to find out what they are and hopefully develop your conflict-resolution skills.
1.) Active Listening
The vast majority of conflict arises because of a communication breakdown. This happens when one person feels the other isn’t listening to them, and vice versa. If your employees are unable to work this out for themselves, then you might need to intervene as their manager. In these circumstances, we suggest sitting the two parties down and mediating the conversation between them. Make sure to highlight the importance of active listening to them and enforce the rule that only one person can speak at any given time. This will really help to get to the heart of the problem and prevent things from becoming a shouting match. If the conflict is between yourself and an employee, the same rule applies. Even though you might be in the right, this doesn’t matter ultimately. It is much more important to resolve the argument.
2.) Validating Emotions
Following on from our point on active listening, it is also essential for business managers to validate the emotions of their employees when there has been conflict in the workplace. Whenever people feel like they are being attacked, they will immediately shut down, go into defence mode, and stop listening to what anyone else has to say. Validating their emotions, however, can prevent this from happening. By demonstrating to your worker that you are coming from a place of compassion – and there is no judgement – they are much more likely to respond well to your conflict resolution strategies. To effectively validate someone’s emotions, you need to listen, acknowledge, understand, and accept. Though you might think their thoughts and feelings are irrational, this doesn’t matter because they are very real to that person.
3.) Seeking Help
Sometimes, no matter how good our conflict resolution skills are, we cannot resolve certain issues in the workplace. These arguments often become legal matters. At this point, business managers shouldn’t try acting alone. Instead, it is best to contact an employment law firm. These types of solicitors specialise in resolving workplace conflicts, especially once they transition into legal issues. They will be able to advise you on how to best approach conflict and potentially help you to nip the problem in the bud. If not, they will help build a case for you, hopefully meaning that you won’t suffer any major financial damage from the conflict. Furthermore, employment solicitors also specialise in settlement agreements. Settlements are necessary if you have been accused of wrongfully dismissing an employee. Ex-workers who are particularly litigious might be able to build an effective case against you, so they are a helpful consul in these circumstances.
4.) Follow Through
Unfortunately, many business managers promise their employees that they will make things better, but then they don’t chase anything up or follow any of their plans through. As a result, employees continue to suffer from bullying and harassment, whilst the perpetrator remains undisciplined and unchanged. Therefore, one of the best ways to actually resolve conflict in the workplace is to follow through with your intervention and discipline plans. Simply being aware of the problem isn’t enough anymore. Nothing will get better unless steps are taken to resolve it – in fact, things will likely get much worse if left unsettled. It’s like expecting a leaking tap to fix itself. Leave the problem for long enough and you could have a collapsed ceiling on your hands. So, we strongly advise all business managers to push through the uncomfortable emotions associated with conflict resolution and strive to make their workplace a just and fair one.
We hope you have found the information within this article helpful. Follow our advice and you should be able to effectively quash conflict.