Dental crowns are generally the caps used to restore your teeth’ shape and act as a strong protective cover to the teeth. The Waterford crowns specialists determine if you are a good candidate and customize the crowns to fit your unique needs and preferences. Generally, crowns can effectively restore your smile appearance to boost your confidence and raise your self-esteem. They are, therefore, important dental devices that can serve different purposes like preserving your tooth’s appearance, function, and overall oral health. Learn more about the devices herein.
Crowns are Good Even with Severely Damaged Teeth
If you suffer severe tooth decay, crowns can be a good option for you. Your doctor will evaluate your condition and proceed to customize the devices for your fit. As mentioned earlier, crowns will act as a protective barrier to your teeth and strengthen them to prevent any loose fillings from dislodging. Remember that it can be bad news for you if you have decayed or chipped teeth, but a dental crown will prevent your tooth from cracking and protect its function for the long term.
Good Care is Essential for Your Crown to Last Long
A crown is not a permanent solution to your oral health issue but is designed to last several years before it wears out. However, you have to adapt to exemplary care for the devices to strengthen them and make them last longer. Poor dental practices or mishandling of crowns can damage them, lessening their durability. Therefore, follow your doctor’s instructions carefully about taking care of the crowns and how to continue with your regular oral health care routine with the devices on board. Also, protect the crown when engaging in physical activities like sporting activities by using a mouthguard.
Crowns Can be Paired with Implants
Dental implants offer a more permanent solution if you have lost teeth. But dentists can also use them to stabilize dentures hence strengthening the dental structure. When you turn to implants over dental bridges to replace your lost tooth or teeth, the crowns are fixed on the artificial tooth roots to act like natural teeth. Fixed crowns make your teeth more stable for function and look like your natural teeth. Additionally, the crowns restore your speaking and eating capabilities and offer additional protection to your teeth.
Crowns Should Not Stain
When getting crowns, one thing that you should not be worried about is staining. Although the crowns are designed to look and feel like your natural teeth, they differ in the aspect of staining. Your natural teeth can stain, but the crowns should not unless you practice poor dental care practices. Therefore, no need to worry about diet restrictions. That is why your dentist must ensure that the crowns match the color of your natural teeth, as the color won’t change even if you whiten the teeth later. Therefore, confirm your teeth’ color before the treatment and whiten them if you have to before getting the crowns.
Choose Dental Crowns Type Carefully
While you consider crowns treatment, understand that different types of devices have added advantages over others. For example, porcelain and metal crowns are all about aesthetics and strength. Porcelain provides a pearly sheen, while the metal structure offers strength and stability. However, metal-based crowns can form a greyish tint which can be a little bit odd.
If you are ready to explore your crowns options, reach out to Dr. Taylor’s Family Dental Center. Book a consultation procedure to understand what you can expect and learn if the treatment option is right for you.