Field Service teams that don’t have this simple yet powerful timesheet management software solution in place with their business by Zuper are likely suffering quite a bit. They’re missing out on new service revenue and likely higher labor costs due to inaccurate employee time tracking practices.
Zuper is one of the only field service timesheet management software solutions equipped with features to help field service teams recover unproductive time by saving their teams non-revenue producing time filling out their timesheets, which makes them more efficient and productive working on things that matter most to the business. Zuper helps streamline shift scheduling, track hours worked, approve, or deny hours on a shift, generate customized reports, and more. Their mobile timesheet app is easy to use on all devices (iOS & Android) and can be used on websites or in-app to help keep your entire service team productive from anywhere.
Must-Have Features of Timesheet Management Software for Field Service Teams
Field service organizations rely on their team members to ensure the business runs smoothly. How do you ensure that your employees are working when they should be? Timesheet management software and a mobile app is essential for field service teams.
It allows you to manage your team, track time and expenses, and generate invoices and reports. We recommend you look for some features in a timesheet management system.
1. Smart Geofencing
Geofencing is a location-based service that uses GPS or Wi-Fi signals to create virtual barriers around places of interest. For example, if you’re using field service software to track your techs’ locations, geofencing will alert you when they enter or leave a specific area. This feature can be helpful for many reasons — it can help you know where everyone is at all times, which makes managing your team easier; it can also help prevent theft by alerting you if someone leaves their assigned route or stops working during their shift.
2. Shifts & Rosters
One of the essential features of timesheet management software is creating shifts and rosters. This allows you to schedule employees’ work hours to know when they should be working. It also helps with payroll because you can verify that everyone got paid for the hours they worked before issuing checks or paying them out of pocket. The more advanced timesheet management tools will allow users to create shift-based reports that show how much time was spent on different activities during each shift (for example, how much time was spent on calls vs. tickets).
3. Automated Time Tracking
Time and attendance management is one of the most important features of employee timesheet software. This feature helps you track your employees’ time on different tasks in a day, week, and month. This will help you keep track of your company’s total time spent on various tasks and projects.
In addition to this, it also helps you to see how much time each employee spends on different work activities. If a particular employee has spent more than average time on any specific action, you can take steps to reduce their workload so that they get enough time for other activities.
You can also use this feature to track overtime hours worked by employees, which can help you reduce overtime costs incurred by your company. You can also use this information to make changes in your business processes or policies, which might be causing excessive overtime work for employees.
You can use this information for financial forecasting and planning purposes too. You can use this information to analyze labor costs incurred by your company during different quarters or months of the year, which will help you understand where your business is going financially.
4. Time-Off Management
Managing time-off requests from your team members is critical for any business that requires employees to work outside regular business hours or locations. This feature ensures that managers can approve or deny requests based on their policies without getting involved with everyone individually.
5. Facial Recognition for Identity Security
It is common for businesses to use facial recognition technology for security purposes, and this technology can also identify each employee by their face and name. The facial recognition feature will allow you to track the number of hours each employee is working and how much time they spend on each task.
6. Work Order Management
Work orders are how you track the work done by your field services team. Work orders can be created from scratch or imported from another system, such as an accounting system like QuickBooks. Work orders should have fields for the customer’s name and address, the job description with all relevant details about the job (including any pictures), the start date and end date for the job, estimated hours required for completion, and other relevant information about the job.
7. Mobile Timesheets
Timesheet management tools should be available on mobile devices so that field service teams can take them anywhere they go and record their hours right away without sitting in front of a computer screen or laptop all day long. This will save them a lot of unproductive time because they don’t have to wait until they get back to the office before entering their hours worked. It also saves money on gas since they won’t have to drive back and forth between locations every day to enter data into a system that could be done from anywhere with an internet connection.
8. Free Timesheet Software Trial
Many timesheet management solutions offer free trial versions so that users can test out different products before buying them outright. This free trial period allows companies to evaluate our software before committing to a purchase.
The Zuper Timesheet Management Software Solution
Are you interested in automating your company’s timesheet process, or do you find manual time tracking a nightmare? Thanks to an app that offers field service teams’ must-have features, you can now forget your timesheet troubles. Shifts, rosters, time-off management, facial detection, ID verification, easily accessible mobile options, reports, and stats…all of these are available at the swipe of your screen.
If you’re looking for a better employee time tracking solution, you can get Zuper’s timesheet management software & mobile timesheets app free for 14 days and try it out ( available on Android and iOS devices) too.