A loading dock area involves the fast movement of trucks and trailers for executing the loading as well as unloading processes. It is really crucial for a loading dock area manager to make efforts to prevent hazards in a loading dock environment.
Experts share that managers must work to identify the signs of an unsafe loading dock environment to prevent loading dock accidents.
Use of Improper Loading and Unloading Equipment
The first sign to note is the use of improper loading and unloading equipment. It could create a gap between trucks and trailers due to the forklift loading & unloading of an unsecured trailer. Vehicle restraints and dock levelers could be used to avoid the dangerous gap between the dock and the trailer.
No Separation between Pedestrian Path and Loading Area
Another sign of an unsafe loading & unloading area is no separation between the pedestrian path and loading dock area. While forklifts unload or load trailers, it leads to a lack of visibility for truck drivers.
It is important to give proper pedestrian training to workers. Moreover, it is crucial to display proper signage to ensure the safe movement of pedestrians and trucks. It could play a crucial role in preventing pedestrian injuries and improving loading dock safety to a great extent.
No Repair of Flooring
Damaged concrete flooring could lead to forklifts and personal accidents. Due to the movement of heavy machinery, floors get damaged and there must be the regular repair of flooring to avoid accidents. Moreover, one should prevent spilling of oils, water, rain, and chemicals to prevent accidents in the loading dock area.