These are the most common injuries during exercise or while playing sports. Children are at a high risk of getting damaged as compared to adults.
If the person is not active or not doing a proper warm-up before the sports or exercise, they risk getting injured. People who play contact games such as boxing, MMA, Judo, etc., also suffer an injury. In Westfield, sports injuries can be treated using the “RICE” Principle.
Different sports injuries result in various complications. The most common type of injuries include:
- Sprains – It is overstretching or tearing the ligament (tissue that connects two bones in a joint) while exercising or playing sports that cause a sprain.
- Strains – Strain is caused by overstretching of the tendon (tissue that connects bone to muscle).
- Dislocation – Bones such as the femur (thigh bone) and humerus (arm bone) are at high risk of getting dislocated. Increasing the strength against the high force, like during arm wrestling, etc., causes dislocation of the joint and leads to swelling and weakness.
- Rotator cuff injury – Tearing of the rotator cuff weakens the strength and causes injury.
- Rest – Muscles that get injured become weak, and the sports trainer will advise the injured to take rest which effectively heals the muscle.
- Ice – Swelling, which occurs during the dislocation, strain, or sprain, can be relieved by applying the ice pack and preventing swelling by decreasing the blood flow to the affected region.
It is advised to apply the ice pack for a minimum of 15 to 20 minutes which helps the skin return to average temperature while icing.
- Compress – Applying elastic bandages around the injury can help relieve the swelling by preventing the accumulation of fluid and help the injured area prevent it from immobilization.
The bandage is not very effective for injury but helps the person keep his injured area still, and the dressing should not be tight enough, which interferes with the blood flow.
- Elevate – Elevating the injured arm above the heart level helps relieve the swelling by draining fluid away from the swelled area.
If the lower body’s injury occurs, lift the lower back by keeping a pillow under the buttock, which drains the accumulated fluid.
Suppose you are not relieved from the treatment mentioned above. In that case, you may consult a doctor. Doctors can recommend medication or pain-relieving injections, physiotherapy, or even surgery (if the injury is severe) to heal the injured area.