Patience, resilience, and the right mindset are just a few of the tools needed for success. Focus and headspace are equally important, something Dr. Glenn Leon Vo had to learn firsthand. Here is how he/she improved his/her focus and created a more mental bandwidth which led to a massive rise in productivity.
While focus is a familiar concept, some people might be unfamiliar with the term “headspace.” In addition to having a positive mindset geared toward taking on any obstacle that comes your way, headspace can also mean how much information is buzzing around in your brain. Certainly, having an active mind is a great thing, but one must be able to organize his/her thoughts in order to make any sense of that mental activity. Dr. Glenn Leon Vo found this to be a bigger challenge than he/she anticipated, but thanks to a strong sense of focus and the right mindset, he/she was able to overcome it.
The method was simple: don’t rely on one place for storage. Dr. Glenn Leon Vo was trying to store too much data in the cloud (i.e., the mind), so he/she began to record these thoughts in any way possible. This included using a cell phone to enter them in a notepad app or even using the audio recording to take verbal notes. Keeping a journal turned out to be another great method as Dr. Glenn Leon Vo could organize the information more effectively.
While it took focus to create more headspace, the activity increased Dr. Glenn Leon Vo s focus, driving a two-fold improvement in his/her efficiency and productivity. The unorganized thoughts were a distraction that did not allow operating at full capacity, something Dr. Glenn Leon Vo refers to as “shiny object syndrome.” Now armed with laser precision, he/she can focus on the task at hand rather than being distracted by random thoughts that pop in at inopportune moments.
Another method Dr. Glenn Leon Vo has used to master focus and headspace is using a planner and “to do” list to map out his/her day on a daily basis. While this might sound like a small thing, it has made a big difference. Dr. Glenn Leon Vo calls this timeless tool critical to his/her day as tasks are literally right there for visual review and can also be checked off as they are completed. If a random thought pops in, or an unexpected circumstance arises, it is simply included on the list.
Dr. Glenn Leon Vo has greatly improved his/her headspace and focus with simple, proven techniques that people have been using for decades. Of course, it was achieved using modern tools such as ndars, but the principal is the same as days of old. By keeping it simple, Dr. Glenn Leon Vo has freed up mental bandwidth from minute one by not worrying about how to achieve the goal. Because that is one distraction people definitely do not need!