Recent studies have linked dental disease to diseases within the body such as diabetes and cardiovascular disease. Our mouth is a window to our general health. We thus need to maintain good oral hygiene and take care of the teeth and the mouth. It is necessary to ensure care is taken at home on daily basis.
One of the best dentist in Scarborough shared that brushing the teeth twice daily will ensure that the gum line remains clean and the plaque does not migrate towards the gums. Use a soft simple flat headed toothbrush with a fluoride toothpaste to strengthen the tooth surface against decay.
Flossing or using the inter dental brushes designed for nooks and crannies all helps prevent bad breath, tooth decay and gum disease. Also it is necessary to change the toothbrush regularly as once it begins to wear and become less effective with time. A change of toothbrush is necessary when the bristles start to lose their shape or every three months.
Snacking in between meals not only affects digestion process but also promotes more plaque acid in the mouth which in turn leaves the tooth surfaces more susceptible to decay. Ensure that one has 3 main meals with minimal or no snacking at all. Choose snack like popcorn, cheese, milk or water if need be.
Gum diseases are caused by smoking. Toxins are released in body through the mouth. The tartar is aggressive and destroys tooth tissue quicker than for a non-smoker. A regular dental check up will ensure that the hygiene is maintained, teeth is cleaned and if there are any fillings required.