Staying motivated is a tall order for everyone. Whether you’re a student trying to pass their finals, a physician working 40+ hour weeks, or an entrepreneur going into business for himself for the first time, everyone struggles with motivation. 52% of the American workforce doesn’t feel engaged with their jobs, performing their jobs with minimal effort and care. This may be the norm for many, and it certainly explains why so few people are able to follow their dreams and build the career they want to achieve.
This lack of motivation isn’t just limited to the workforce, either. Even when it comes to something as simple as a New Year’s Resolution, which 93% of people make, only 8% are actually able to follow through on them. If people are struggling with a commitment as small as going to the gym, it’s clear that there is a persistent motivation problem in today’s society. But what is the solution to this lack of motivation?
Ricky Cucalon may have the answer to this question. As a civil engineer graduate and entrepreneur, Ricky has seen his fair share of setbacks. “Did I ever think about giving up?” asks Ricky. “Not just once, but several times!” But he didn’t let that stop him. After graduating from San Francisco State in 2016, Ricky traded engineering to follow his passion as an entrepreneur. This started when he invested heavily in Bitcoin, earning over $500k from his investments before the price of Bitcoin skyrocketed.
Ricky has managed to channel his success into helping other entrepreneurs make money. Through his company ATM Movement, which stands for “About The Millions”, Ricky seeks to help people make money with the technology on their smartphones. Through teaching people how to make money from the cryptocurrency, stock, and forex market, Ricky is passing along his own key to success to others.
But just as Ricky wants to help other people take the leap in becoming entrepreneurs, he also relates to the struggles of motivation. “Every time I feel weak, tired, or lost, I close my eyes and see the faces of the people I love the most smiling and saying ‘Come on, champion, you can!’” says Ricky. “And it gives me new strength, new energy, and reminds me that the word ‘surrender’ does not exist in my dictionary.” Ricky’s ability to stay motivated is no doubt a large part of the reason why he was able to achieve such success using blockchain technology.
There’s no doubt that working for yourself comes with more risk and less structure than working a 9-5 job. After all, Ricky was clear in the risk he was taking when he quit his job to pursue his entrepreneurial passions. But the risk paid off as he has further capitalized on his success by becoming a social media influencer with tens of thousands of followers on Instagram. With posts thanking mentors who taught Ricky “the meaning of massive action and sacrifice”, it’s clear that Ricky has had mentors in his life that have shown him how to succeed in business. Thanks to ATM Movement, it appears that he has gone from student to mentor by showing others the path to financial success.
There are 582 million entrepreneurs in the world, but a surprising 22.5% of small businesses fail within the first year. Something separates the ones who fail from the ones who push through and succeed. As problems continue to hamper even the most confident of entrepreneurs, the secret appears to lie in staying motivated. Becoming self-employed may pose more risk than a traditional job, but as long as you stay motivated and keep your eye on the prize, you can achieve success beyond your wildest dreams.
To those who are thinking of giving up on their dreams, Ricky has a message. “Do you know why people give up? Because they are selfish. Giving up is not just giving up on your goals, but also giving up on the goals of those you love the most. Come on, champion, you can!”
To read more about Ricky and ATM Movement, follow him on Instagram at: