The internet is a lucrative place where millions can come to be seen, heard and build their online presence, and that’s where Ben of Next Wave Marketing comes in.
Next Wave Marketing, bound by relationships and proven results, is a surging online agency working to create a network of influence helping to build credibility and attraction.
The internet is a lucrative place where millions can come to be seen, heard and build their online presence, and that’s where Ben of Next Wave Marketing, comes in for his people.
At the age of 19 Ben has been able to work with large brands and companies like Toyota, helping brands across the globe even into Europe.
Even from a young age, Ben has been captivated by the online space where he made a crucial life altering decision of diving head first into the online market and skipping college. The risk could not have brought a greater reward. Now Ben is able to travel the world, continuing to develop deep meaningful connections, and striving to get better every day.
Ben credits his initial success from just believing in himself. “Over time I developed changing my mindset into believing my dream and vision is possible and there is abundance in life. Once you conquer that obstacle, things get a lot clearer, you have more confidence in you daily actions which lead to more opportunities to achieve your goals”.
That’s what Mr. Deveran focuses on. Setting and completing goals. “the more action I took and the faster I did it, the more I learned from my mistakes or success. Inevitably this made my goals and vision much clearer and I started to accomplish my set goals. As I did this my belief system grew”.
Ben has the motivation to take advantage of today. Tomorrow there are no guarantees, so wake up today and attack it with a purpose and inspire others to do the same. Ben strives to impact at least 1 person a day in a positive way to help their growth. He explains,” not only is it important to work hard toward your goals daily, but it is also important to leave this world with a legacy”.
For Ben, he encourages others to stop waiting and to go out today and attack your goals. “We’ve all been programmed into formality, that things are scarce and that you aren’t special. If you want to be great you need to change that belief. There is abundance in the world, you are special and can achieve anything. Start to build that and watch your confidence and self esteem grow.