China has the world’s largest gaming market, and it is ruling over other gaming markets with high dominance. But a new report from Newzoo says that the US will replace China as the world’s largest gaming market by the end of 2019. This will be the first time after 2015 when the US will again rule over the global gaming market. The US is facing healthy domestic growth in consoles and play stations such as scr888, which has risen to 13.4% in revenue this year.
China is going to shift to the second place because it suffered for a nine-month freeze on game license last year, which caused the domestic market of the country to shrink. The industry experts in China slowed the approval process of new titles, which resulted in squeeze of the market. Another reason which destroyed the China gaming market is that it has imposed a time limit on underage players. All of these factors have affected China’s dominance in the global gaming market.
Although China was struggling with game licenses last year, Tencent remained the most significant public listed gaming firm and pocketed $19.18 billion revenue in 2018. Due to China’s slow down in the gaming market, the entire Asia Pacific region gaming market has slowed down because China’s gaming market covers the region. China’s gaming market disaster is producing an excellent opportunity for Latin America region to return at the top position after 2015.