Walter Alexander Jones, known as @CasinoJefe, is a 32-year-old multi-faceted personality who has established himself in the nightlife & concert industries. The visionary entrepreneur and marketing mogul is based in Washington DC, and he hopes for the revival of the nightlife industry in a new normal.
The nightlife connoisseur started organizing events from his hometown of Detroit, MI while leaving his high school to enter his college. Walter Alexander Jones has traveled around the world to learn exceptional strategies of many professionals & venues to organize mind blowing events.
By utilizing his knowledge and experiences, the entrepreneur aims to provide exceptional experiences to his event attendees. He has been a part of many of the biggest concerts and nightclub events across the globe. Just over a year ago, Walter along with his team had filled the popular street of Connecticut Avenue in DC on a weekly basis.
They had to cancel many upcoming events due to the outbreak of the pandemic. Due to this global pandemic, nightclubs, bars, and concerts have dealt with a huge financial loss. The unexpected bad times have given many lessons to Walter Alexander Jones because of the complete closure of the entertainment industry.
A major lesson is to have a robust financial plan for a situation of recession to fight back and revive the business. Walter Alexander Jones quoted “It’s so easy to make money in the business, but it’s even easier to spend it.“ He said that his mother would ask him to put some of his earned money away during his growing years. Now, he gives the same advice to others to ensure their survival in difficult times. He tells all entrepreneurs to put some of their earnings to the side. He’s not saying start penny pinching and stop enjoying life, but he’s saying you have to have a financial plan to become recession proof in order to weather the storm.
Despite the pandemic, Walter Alexander Jones is still doing well for himself. He wanted to shoutout all the workers, DJ’s, promoters, & owners in the nightlife industry across the globe. He is expected to regain his name and position on the entertainment scene after the reopening of the city. One can easily catch him with celebrities @Phantomclubdc in Washington DC enjoying the nightlife scene. The nightlife connoisseur hopes to see the same vibe, smile, and energy in people’s lives as in earlier times.
Check out his videos here:
Friday Night
Saturday Night