Amazon has been said to be in the process of developing a wearable device that is voice-activated and possesses the ability to read and translate human emotions. The device which will be worn on the wrists is a health and wellness gadget developed through collaboration between the Alexa software team and Lab126 where the Amazon Echo smart speaker was built.
According to internal documents, the device is equipped with microphones which can utilize the voice sound of a person to figure out the emotional state he/she is in. Also contained in the documents are details about how the device’s functionality can help a wearer interact more effectively with others.
The project with the code name “Dylan” is said to be undergoing a beta testing program but it is however unclear how far the project development has gone or if it will become a commercial device or not.
The technology giant also filed a United States patent for a voice software which uses vocal patterns to analyze how a person is feeling. The patent which was not made public until last year is capable of differentiating among a range of emotions which include Joy, sorrow, anger, disgust, and fear.
A diagram included in the patent filing claims the technology is capable of detecting the abnormal emotional condition. This capability was demonstrated with the diagram of a woman telling Alexa she is hungry while sniffling. Through the software, the digital assistant figured out she has a cold, and asked if she would like a recipe for chicken soup. Currently, Amazon is not the only technology company developing wearable devices for health and wellness; the Apple Watch has also been applauded and referred to as a lifesaver for its ability to detect and identify irregular heartbeats.