Europe based entrepreneur Andrew Anastasiou has been awarded the Start-up Entrepreneur Award and the Scale-up Entrepreneur Award for his efforts in bringing online banking solutions to over 500 million people in Africa and South America.
Entrepreneurs and businesses that show passion and expertise in developing and bringing to market services and products that change the way a selected industry works are eligible to be awarded the Start-up Entrepreneur Award, and those who show strong growth in scaling and growing their businesses are awarded the Scale-up Entrepreneur Award. These awards are given once a year, and every year the competition gets stronger and stronger due to the advancements and the abilities to set up and develop new products and services.
Andrew Anastasiou has won this year’s award due to his commitment and passion in creating useable digital payment services that encourage mass market usage and provide a simplified way to make and receive online payments. He is also a seed investor in some of Europe’s most notable electronic money service providers and has been the brains behind bringing European banking services to non-EU companies, allowing for a smoother operational flow for companies with operations inside the European Union, but incorporated or based outside of the continent.
With companies like Stasi Capital, the corporate services provider and LyncPay, the cash-to-voucher system being piloted by Andrew Anastasiou, we expect them to become global names within a short period of time and to be hitting headlines much more frequently in the near future.
The entrepreneur is also a nominee for the Ernst&Young Entrepreneur of the Year Award which will take place in April 2021, with sources citing that Andrew Anastasiou is in the final 50, and we wish him luck.