If you are a fitness enthusiast then you must be well aware that going on a diet which will not only help you keep healthy but also transform the way your body looks is not as easy and tasty as it would seem. After all there are only a handful of low-calorie, high protein recipes you can consume day after day for months on end. This is why many bodybuilders and fitness experts choose liquids to take in their daily requirement on nutrition.
But move aside electrolytes- there is a new health drink in town. Recently drinks containing amino acids have been all the rage in the fitness world. One company who has been providing some of the best amino acid drinks is BPS Pharma by Koray Akbiyik. BPS Pharma is primary a health brand that boasts of quality products at an affordable price. Launched in 2018 BPS Pharma products are currently available for sale in Europe and the USA where they have a growing fan base for a majority of the collections which include dietary supplements (NOT4PUSSY), peptides (BPC157 patches, TB- 500) for better functioning and longevity, and of course their essential amino acids drink by the name of 4YOURGAINSBRO.
So, the question that arises is what makes EAA drinks by BPS Pharma special? There are two main reasons. Firstly, why it is already known that BPS Pharma always makes products which include ingredients that are worthy of your time and money. This means their EAA drinks are extremely effective, further amplified by the fact that many skip it as it is not yet introduced to the fitness world as an essential part of your everyday workout plan. 4YOURGAINSBRO is made using a patented KETO STANDY BY matrix ®, which means that you can rest assured that all that extra fat will soon be converted to sheer muscle mass.
The second reason as to why BPS Pharma is winning at the EAA drink game, is because 4YOURGAINSBRO has an amazing line-up of unique flavours. The latest in the range is Cotton Candy, created after rigorous testing as well as tasting, in the BPS Pharma lab for 6 months. With Cotton Candy flavoured EAA drinks, its simple to not only keep your metabolism up, but also your tastebuds happy. Other flavours such as Georgian Tangerine, Lemon Lime, Peached Ice Tea, Energy Bull and Woodruff are user favourites.
So, what are you waiting for? Accelerate your fitness journey today, by checking out https://not4pussy.de/