Southern California, specifically Los Angeles and its surrounding area is home to one of the more unique...
New York has been a main music for quite some time now. It is a hot spot...
Phantom Caine, an Ontario based young hip-hop artist has been into the news for his work in...
Some fall when faced with tragedy. Others, like Joel Aguilar, AKA Lil Mexico HOV, used a tragedy...
HOPEX, born on 20 December 1998 with the name Umut Bagdatli, has been receiving an excellent response...
Shane Jackson, aka Tuesday Knight, first started writing lyrics when he was only five years old, making...
UFAX 10 is growing in popularity among the people in Thailand and for a good reason. The...
In a global survey, it has been found that a lot of people have been searching for...
A young boy in Ho Chi Minh City has been known for playing the piano perfectly, chosen...
When Matthew Perry joined Instagram, every one of his co-star, starting from Lisa Kudrow to Jennifer Aniston,...