Weight-loss diets based on fruit and vegetable smoothies have become fashionable because they are easy to follow...
Insomnia today is one of the growing diseases in the world. Late night working hours or TV...
India – December 2019 has remained the coldest month in recent decades. Several states in Northern India...
There are many researches that have proven intermittent fasting an essential way to reduce weight-related problems. Recent...
Though there are many birth control methods, a little error in them is turning women to go...
Online medical consultation has been serving sick people for a decade. But it is now that the...
Anxiety disorder is common in almost 30 to 50 percent of youngsters living in the US. American Academy...
The award-winning natural BIO-15 probiotics product has been making the news for the plethora of benefits it...
The University of Dundee in the UK carried out a research on vaping and found very noticeable...
In a global survey, it has been found that more people have been making use of a...