The best way to lose belly fat is a lifestyle that suits the ecosystem and suits the location one is living in. Food and exercise should support the environment one is living in and then there can be no diseases once a person aligns all of this together. Sustainable lifestyle will be simple and keep the weight in check.
Try to simplify things and not put too much in a day. 30 minutes of exercise spanning 4 days is better than 2 hours of back breaking exercise in a day ! This will help reduce visceral fat that lurks around the belly area. Divide the exercise plan well in cardio and strength training exercises. One can go to the gym or do body weight exercises at home, anything that suits the pocket and the personality. Or, you can click here to know about the 21 day flat belly fix which might come handy if you are looking to reduce your weight instantly for an upcoming occasion.
Choose to eat food that gives the body energy over food that are just empty calories. A vegetable juice is 200 calories and a diet coke 61 calories but one is sustaining and other just empty, respectively. The food needs to be chosen wisely. Use apps like MyFitnessPal or keep a diary recording the food behavior. In a week one will realize where is one going wrong. A fitness tracker like the Fitbit Versa Lite can track one’s fitness journey too.
Intermittent fasting involves significantly cutting calories from food altogether for a portion of the day or week, and then eating with a much shorter time window. This method has gained popularity in the fitness world. The best-known intermittent fasting plan is the 5:2 diet, where one eats as normally (healthy, home cooked food) they would for five days a week, and then reduce the food intake to 600 calories two days a week.
The exercise plan should include resistance training as it builds muscle which burns more than fat. The more muscle mass one has, the more calories they will burn even when not working out. One can get started at home with small weights such as dumbbells, kettlebells and even medicine balls.