Content Curation is in vogue and is a growing trend. Content curation is the structured presentation of the best piece of information for the benefit of your consumers that is not created by you. Now the question arises that why should you include the content that you did not create in your course? It has certain advantages-
- Fills the gap in existing content-
Your existing content, however carefully created, always leaves room for doubt as there might be a few gaps left. Those gaps can be bridged using the content which is created by somebody else. Of course, due recognition is precedent in such situations.
- Value to content consumers-
The content you create is consumed by multiple people. All those people are following your content because it gives them the value that they desire. The great content even if not created by you should reach interested parties to increase their knowledge base. And you want to be in their good books.
- Reinforced content network-
If you find the content of some other industry expert exceptional and would share the same with your consumer base, this would increase the traffic to their content too. By doing the content curation you are building a network with industry peers, this, in turn, leads to organic growth.
- Support existing content-
By doing the content curation the existing content on your platform is validated as the other expert in the industry is also speaking in the same vein. And the same ideas are reinforced by this other person who is well known in the field.
- Network building-
When you share someone else’s content you are reinforcing their ideas. And everyone loves appreciation. If you like somebody’s work, let them know what you like and that you are looking forward to their further work in the future. This is a great way to build industry relationships organically.
The process of content curation consists of the following five steps-
1. Assembly-
The first step refers to the gathering of the content that would resonate with your readers and reinforce your previously mentioned ideas. You can refer to the works of other industry experts, sign up for relevant magazines or blogs so that you are never left out of the loop, and have content that can be curated on the ready.
2. Selection-
This next step refers to the selection of best-suited content out of the horde of others that did not cut. This might be due to multiple reasons. But, the fact remains that the selected one is best suited to your needs.
3. Categorization-
The next step pertains to the categorization of the selected data into different formats. These formats might be, blogs, infographics, eBooks, videos, audios, etc. Furthermore, these different formats of data have to be shared on relevant platforms, such as newsletters, blogs, social media. Here, the decision regarding which form of content is shared on what platform is decided.
4. Commentary-
Only sharing of the other’s content can not suffice as content curation. As a knowledgeable source of information yourself, your commentary is much required to personalize your post. This gives a chance for you to connect with your readers by sharing with them your spin on the said ideas and how much you agree with the author.
5. Presentation-
The last step of the process of content curation is that of the presentation of the said data for ready consumption by your readers. For example, an article produced by another author, containing a large amount of data can be formulated into the form of an infographic, to increase its consumption by making it easier.
The noteworthy fact to be mentioned here is that the original author of the piece deserves their due recognition. Content curation can be successfully used in the case of employee training. The LMS such as Bridge LMS has been doing it successfully.