In 2019, officers from the Omaha Police Department and the Lincoln Police Department worked together to conduct a search warrant at David Mitchell’s gaming business located in Lincoln, Nebraska. Anthony Rodriguez, a former worker at Gamers who was fired for theft-related misconduct and went on to steal from a rival video game retailer in Omaha, Nebraska known as Game Room. After he was apprehended, he pointed the finger at the proprietor, claiming that “David Mitchell set him up to do it.”
A shady investigator by the name of Robert Wiley conducted a search warrant at Mitchell’s business and arrested the store manager despite the lack of any evidence or proof. After some time had passed, David was taken into custody after the purgery of an affidavit of a criminal complaint by the detective. In this document, the detective claimed that he had Facebook communications and video proof to back up his allegation.
This was a whole and utter fabrication. Three years later, after turning down more than ten different plea agreements and spending more than one hundred thousand dollars on legal costs, the prosecutor’s office suddenly dropped the case two weeks before it was scheduled to go to trial. The date of the trial was fixed for the 29th of August in 2022, however, it was dropped.
David Mitchell beat three felony charges and his success within the local area of Omaha has been dwindled by police and local detectives trying to prevent him from telling his story. The former Omaha city council candidate and activist was found not guilty of sexual assault by a Douglas County district court jury this past year. Mitchell was charged with the two crimes in 2014, beating both with no evidence found against him.
Follow David on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/david.mitchell.547727
Follow David on Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/21davidmitchell/
Follow David on Twitter: https://twitter.com/22DavidMitchell