Though unconventional, Enzo Zelocchi’s career has taken shape in an exciting way. With a natural talent for business and an unmatched level of creativity, Enzo merged his two passions and found great success in the entertainment industry. To him, it’s simple, he explains that entertainment is a business, and models, actors, and other entertainers are a product that have to sell. Putting on many hats during his career seems to be one of the things Enzo loves most about how his life has shaped up; jumping from business to modeling, then to acting and producing, it’s clear that this is just the beginning for the star. Up to date he received over 70 AWARDS in Film Festivals with many nominations.
He began modeling at 13 years old, but it wasn’t until a successful contract in Milan that his career in the entertainment industry really took off. After Milan, he began booking commercials and TV shows as an actor, which is how he discovered his natural, on-screen talent. Enzo sees acting as a way to connect with his audience, ignite emotions, and drive change. People watch shows and movies to really feel something, and it was that realization that helped turn him into the creator he is today.
One of his first major acting roles was on an Italian TV series where he played a villain after effortlessly connecting with the director and being cast within one day for the role. As he dove deeper into the entertainment industry, something became clear: he didn’t see his Hispanic and Latin heritage represented well in the industry, especially during the boom of superhero movies, so, in classic Enzo fashion, he decided to do something about it.
The First Secret was one of Enzo’s first major film projects that he built from the ground up. After finding the right inspiration, Enzo created a trailer for the project, despite people telling him a pandemic was a bad time to advertise First Secret. Proving everyone wrong, Enzo’s trailer became the second-most-viewed video on Instagram in the month that it was posted. His messaging resonated with the community he was trying to reach, and this first project propelled Enzo into directing and producing, which he quickly came to love. Though navigating filming during the pandemic was nearly impossible, fans of the trailer can keep an eye out for the full movie in 2022.
Recognizing the power of social media as a business tool in the entertainment industry, Zelocchi has spent time cultivating his online presence, becoming a fan favorite across platforms. With his over 6 million followers on Instagram, Enzo connects deeply with large audiences, often resonating with people who believe that life is what you make it. He believes that his work serves to empower people all over the globe to chase their dreams, and the steady stream of DM’s that thank him for doing just that is a reminder that making a difference in even one person’s life makes everything else worth it.
Enzo has always been a problem-solver; never one to shy away from big challenges or complex problems, he finds his passion for life by diving into the fire. Most recently, he’s jumped into the world of healthcare in the US, tackling a broken system that puts millions of Americans in crisis every year. His company, A-Medicare is building a path for universal healthcare in the US. While it may seem like this endeavor doesn’t quite fit into Enzo’s prior projects in entertainment, it was actually during his work on his 2010 film, My Little Princess, that he learned about the healthcare issues terrorizing Americans.
The film follows the story of a father who is grappling with his young daughter’s diagnosis of terminal cancer. The film weaves in heartbreak, inspiration, and the stark reality of obstacles that families with severe medical challenges are facing in the US. Though the film is fictional, it echoes the stories of so many, and Enzo was moved to address the real challenges of the American healthcare system.
Using machine technology, artificial intelligence, and a unified platform, A-Medicare aims to reduce the exorbitant costs faced by patients at all levels of the healthcare system. It’s a revolutionary approach to solving a problem that decades of legislation and other organizations have failed to properly address. Similar to an “Amazon for healthcare,” A-Medicare will use digital tools to bring patient care to the 21st century.
With a wide range of talents and an unparalleled level of determination, Enzo illustrates that one person can have a massive influence on those around them. Not only has he connected with audiences across the globe by filling gaps in the entertainment industry and prioritizing cultural representation, but he has inspired people of all ages to chase their dreams.
Throughout long hours and years of hard work, Enzo uses personal fulfillment as his compass. He knows that his own happiness, when used as his guiding light, will be what best drives him towards success. Practicing what he preaches, Enzo wants everyone to know that “if you put in the hard work, you can be a successful person. Being successful doesn’t mean you make a million dollars. You could be a successful teacher, or writer, whatever makes you happy with whatever skills God gave you.”
The gift of influencing masses of people isn’t for everyone, but those that have it must use it wisely. People today are inundated with information, media, and other messaging, and Enzo Zelocchi prioritizes positive messaging and motivation above all else. He understands the power he has, but he never exploits those who believe in him. Instead, he jumps in front of challenges, tries new approaches, and offers thoughtful solutions to the world’s biggest problems. We can’t wait to see what Enzo creates in the future because it’s clear that everything he does will be beautiful, powerful, and meaningful.
Enzo Zelocchi – Midnight in Paris
Enzo Zelocchi – Afternoon in Paris