The recent production of Timothy A. Chey, “Journey to Hell,” is one of the most impactful faith-based films which is based on the best-selling classic novel of the same name.
The film story opens on a Los Angeles beach, where a few surfers search for their missing friend, Shane Badman (John Terrell). Shane is then shown to be taken to the emergency room of a nearby hospital where he is declared dead.
Then comes his funeral where his wife, Hannah (Emilie Soghomonian), and friends mourn his tragic demise. This scene is followed by Shane’s soul awakening in hell where he thinks he’s in a nightmare. What a rude awakening!
The movie’s focus then shifts toward Shane’s life before his tragic surfing accident where he can be seen living a rich and successful life. He gets promoted to managing partner at a major equity firm. But, on the other hand, he appears distressed and tells his wife that he is still unhappy and desires more from life.
His wife then suggests that he use some of his money to serve the Lord. But Shane isn’t interested. Hannah manages to drag him to the church, where the Pastor (Jeffrey Grinel) preaches about hell. Shane either makes snide remarks to Hannah or rolls his eyes, complaining about the pastor’s sermons during this time.
Hannah tries desperately to reach Shane by reminding him that if he obeys God and practices kindness, patience, gentleness, and self-control, he may find the “more” he seeks. However, Shane believes that simply accumulating as much wealth as possible equates to being “blessed by God,” and that material things equal divinity.
The film jumps back and forth in time, alternating between Shane’s lavish lifestyle and his agony in hell. Every time we see him in hell, he’s either meeting other bad guys who have been sentenced to be there for all eternity, like Hitler, or being reminded of why he’s there and what he did wrong by one of the demons who oversee the throngs of unfortunates.
So, the question is, if Shane’s spiritual perspective will change? Will he be granted a second chance, even from the depths of hell?
The acting in this film, Journey to Hell, is phenomenal, particularly that of John Terrell as the power-hungry Shane Badman. He has a unique gift for comedic timing, and it was hilarious to watch him try to avoid confronting his spiritual shortcomings. This movie has the ability to frighten people back onto the right path.