Restricted Environment Stimulation Therapy, or R.E.S.T for short, has become a very popular medically acknowledge therapy that is being used to treat a variety of ailment ranging from depression, anxiety and stress right up to gout, insomnia and PMS discomfort. The therapy hinges on the concept of ‘disabling’ our sensory apparatus or limits their receptive levels. This gives the brain the break that it needs to calibrate our internal chemical balances, which otherwise can only be achieved through induced meditative states. While the therapy has gained significant attention from all factions, the equipment used to achieve the objectives of sensory deprivation tank therapy have received very little attention. This, despite the fact that sensory deprivation tanks, also known as float pods or float tanks, come in various sizes and forms with different value added features.
The Personal Float Tank
Personal float tanks are usually smaller than the commercial floatation tanks / float pods used at most float spas and although they have much lesser features, they are perfect for home use. Basic home versions of floatation pods or tanks are about 6 feet in length and 4 feet wide which is sufficient to house the average adult male. Most of these home floatation systems come with an internal thermostat that automatically heats the Epsom salt solution to body temperature and are partially sound proofed with an inbuilt light source. The covers for the pods, the shape and the colour of the pods are in general are the primary differences among personal or home-based flotation pods.
The Commercial Float Tank
Commercial float tanks on the other hand are mostly ‘high-end’ and have numerous ‘added features’ such as USB ports to play soothing or ambient music to enhance the experience of the floater. Besides that some commercial flotation pods come with built in ultra violet light that effectively kills an assortment of bacteria that reside on our skin as we enter the Epsom salt solution and close the lid. Speaking of lids, commercial tanks are usually much bigger than those intended for personal use at homes. These tanks are at minimum 7 feet in length with width going up to 5 or 6 feet. There are also entire ‘float chambers or rooms which are perfect for those who are claustrophobic. These rooms or chambers are actually huge and could even accommodate more than a few people all at once, these chambers are also occasionally installed in large villas or summer residences. However, chambers such as these are less effective and they are more commonly used as a recreational element more than it is used for therapeutic healing purposes.
Regardless of the type of float tank, the point is that there is always a certain level of benefit that can be gained from subjecting ourselves to floatation therapy. The only difference will be the experience and the total medical benefits that we will be able to gain from it. In retrospect, the type of tank however as mentioned earlier does have an impact on the effectiveness of the therapy and hence it is critical to determine your objectives prior to buying a floatation tank.