Social disability claims can get complicated, in fact, statistics show that 48,000 people filed for bankruptcy in 2019, after their application was denied.
The application process is not very user-friendly. There are many steps and it can take months and even years to get your benefits.
The best thing you can do for yourself when you make a claim is to have all your paperwork organized and be precise about what you are doing. This is often not possible for the average person and this is why a Social Security disability lawyer can help.
When to Hire a Lawyer
You may be thinking that during the first stages of your application you do not need a Social Security disability attorney. This is not the case. The best thing you can do for your case is to have your attorney handle the initial application.
An attorney can help you to complete the application quickly and help you to avoid making costly mistakes. Numerous documents need to be filed and some of them may be filled with jargon that you don’t understand.
Every detail of your application is important and one form that is not filled out correctly can delay your application or get it denied.
Make an Appeal
If you had already gone ahead and filed your own Social Security disability claim and you were denied, then it is an excellent time to hire the best Social Security disability lawyer that you can find.
An attorney will review your application. Upon reviewing your application your lawyer will see why you were denied. Your lawyer will also be able to identify the strong points in your case.
Your lawyer will then file an appeal for you. Appeals have to be filed with precise paperwork to avoid a second denial of your application.
Prepare Your Case
Social Security disability lawyers, such as those at Heard and Smith, will start gathering evidence on your behalf. The most important documents are your medical reports and reports from those who have employed you in the past.
Your medical reports are going to detail the level of your cognitive, mental or physical limitations. It will also show the result of any medical tests that you have done and the medications that you take.
Hire a Social Security Disability Lawyer
When applying for Social Security disability it can be tempting to try to go it alone. After all, your reasoning may be that a Social Security disability lawyer will cost you money that you probably don’t have.
However, if you have a very good case with the help of a lawyer you are likely to be able to receive Social Security disability insurance. The fact that you dramatically increase your chances of winning the case is enough to make hiring a lawyer worthwhile.
If you would like more legal tips, please visit the law section of the website.