Minds has been becoming popular in different corners of the world for its free service and excellent features. Bloggers are really appreciating this social media platform as it provides a blog editor which includes lots of features. In comparison to Facebook, Minds facilitates the creation of a blog post in an easy manner and offers more advanced features than Facebook or Twitter.
The motive of the community is clear as its service is not money-oriented rather it provides an excellent service to bloggers and other types of users. For spending time on Minds, it offers “token” to users that can’t be transferred into real money but can be used to buy boosts within the platform. It follows the reverse-chronological timeline which is unlikely the case with other social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram, etc. According to Bill Ottman, the motive of Minds is to help people in making money from the online platform.
Minds has given an opportunity for bloggers to post their valuable content on its online platform to reach to a mass audience. Since 2015, the number of bloggers who have registered on Minds has increased significantly because of the availability of excellent blog features for them. It allows users to provide financial support to bloggers by seeing their monetizing posts. It makes available the dollar icon on the blog posts to monetize the posts by clicking on the dollar icon in the status field before publishing the post. Minds’ Ad Sharing program offers users an opportunity for bloggers to use real money to buy some Minds points.