With the warmer weather and the longer days, we are all starting to hear that little voice that comes into our heads at this time of year. This is the voice that tells us that it is finally time to get rid of those bad habits we picked up during the winter months and think about how we can get into better shape and feel healthier in the summer. However, we all know that it is a lot easier to recognize that we want to make healthier choices than it is to actually make them.
If you want to start eating more healthily and get into better shape, you need to think about the strategies that are going to work for you. As much as people like to say that there is a guaranteed way to address these issues, the truth is that you need to find a way to make it work for you. We have put together a list of suggestions to make your progress as smooth as possible, and to think about some of the challenges and concerns that you may be facing. Let’s get started.
Look At Your Current Diet
If you want to start eating more healthily, the best place to start is by taking a good look at what your current diet is like. You can start by making a list of the meals that you have eaten in the last week. You don’t necessarily need to write down all the calories but getting a clear idea of what a typical week of meals looks like will help you to address changes. For example, you can see what you eat when you have a long day, and you don’t want to cook anything complicated. Think about switching out red meat, or at least cutting down on it in favor of lean proteins like grilled chicken. You can see what you can swap out for those midweek dinners that are heavy on comfort foods.
Plan Ahead
One of the biggest contributing factors to a lot of bad diets is a lack of preparation. If you don’t know what you are going to have for dinner, you are far more likely to grab something easy to cook at the store on the way home. And we all know that this is far more likely to be something that is high in salt and fat, something that you can throw in the oven and not have to worry about. If you plan your meals ahead, you can make sure that you have the ingredients in your fridge and your cupboards to make something that is both healthy and tasty.
Know Your Risk Factors
As we get older, we all need to be more aware of the fact that certain behaviors put us at greater risk of health issues. For example, if you are someone who currently uses alcohol to excess or has done in the past, then you are at risk of a number of different health problems that include cancer, obesity, heart issues and fatty liver disease.
When it comes to fatty liver disease, things can get a little more complicated as there are other issues that put you at risk, including obesity, type 2 diabetes, high blood pressure and more. If you know that you are at risk of this issue, then you can start to tailor your diet accordingly. Research has shown that the Keto diet can help to restore insulin sensitivity. If you want to learn more about keto and fatty liver disease, Ezra’s guide to keto and fatty liver can help you get to grips with what you need to know. Ezra offers comprehensive MRI scans to identify cancer warning signs early and give you the best shot at treatment.
Figure Out A Routine
When we know that we want to get into better shape, a lot of us tend to throw ourselves headfirst. We decide that we are going to give ourselves unrealistic goals based on the amount of time we think we should be spending instead of the amount of time we actually have in a day. We tell ourselves that we should be at a certain level of physical fitness, so we try to start at that level instead of building up to it. As you would expect, this is a great way to make sure that you do not achieve your goals.
Anyone who wants to get into better shape this summer should start by sitting down with their daily schedule and carving out a regular timeslot that they know they can keep to every day. Think about what exercise level you are currently at and prioritize exercising regularly instead of pushing yourself to your absolute limit from the jump. This way, you can build and build, instead of burning out. If you are in any doubt about the best place to start, think about talking to a personal trainer. They will be able to advise you on the best exercises to help you to reach your goals and help you to create a plan that will work for you.
Remember To Be Kind To Yourself
This is one of the hardest things to remember when you are trying to be healthier in general. It is all too easy to beat ourselves up for doing the wrong thing. We tell ourselves that we should be able to do better, and we criticize ourselves when we don’t. If you want to make sure that you stick to your routine and you actually reach the point where you feel better about your health, then you need to be kind to yourself.
No one is perfect and everyone slips up every now and again. You are going to have to find the balance between motivating yourself to get out there and exercise more (which has been shown to improve mental health) and eat healthier, and giving yourself a break when things do not go the way you planned them to. You may want to consider enlisting a friend or family member to join you on this mission to better health. It always helps to have someone there to support you, and to be there with you for the successes. Plus, a little friendly competition never hurt!