Whenever you use your cellphone, laptop, or even work on apps, you’re using digital media. Digital media exists in different forms. These can be videos, articles, audiobooks, and even music. Digital media is also a massive industry dedicated to using technology to make media more accessible. Even businesses leverage digital media to create cutting-edge advertisements to get ahead of their competition. So if you have a digital media degree, there’s a lot you can do with yourself. Consuming large amounts of media is part of every culture. People are consistently searching for entertainment and means to indulge in entertainment. Digital media is the pioneer for providing entertainment to people. With that, let’s see what you can do with a degree in digital media. Here’s what you can do:
1. Video Editor
Video creation is a tedious process. First, there is a whole crew needed to film the entire process. When the filming hits completion, the video goes to the video editor. As a video editor, you will have many job opportunities in this field. People are constantly on the look for professionals who can edit their videos. You will put it together. A wide range of pictures and videos together to give them a consistent flow. You will need to work with the director to make sure what they want ends up in the footage. However, it would help if you had an excellent eye to add personal touches to a video to make it stand out. If you’re intrigued by the field, you can go for a degree. For aspirants, different universities are offering digital media degrees that fulfill their educational needs. However, while you pursue your degree, try practicing video editing on the side. Get different software and edit all sorts of videos on them. Your edited footage can become a part of your resume.
2. Digital Journalist
If you have a knack for journalism and media, you can always become a digital media journalist. You don’t need to have a degree in journalism. Your digital media background will more than suffice in getting you the job. Digital journalists feature across all sorts of media such as websites, televisions, and mobile devices. If you’re interested in being your own digital media star, you can run your website. So it would help if you pick up on coding, programming, and multimedia design on the way. If you are good at what you do, you can continue to become a professional editor or even a producer.
3. Multimedia Artist
Suppose you enjoy designing and creating unique and creative features that look good as videos or images. In that case, you should consider becoming a multimedia artist. Most multimedia artists venture down as animators. It is not surprising. Animation is one of the most popular forms of entertainment. Take the animation studio Pixar, for instance. As a multimedia artist, you will work using graphics and various computer programs. There are even apps on tablets that come with a stylus that allows you to draw on them before you share them. Animation is one category of entertainment that will not be outdated anytime soon. So definitely consider going down this field. As a multimedia professional, you will also work with storyboards and CGI. So while you make your way into this field, consider practicing as much as possible.
4. Web Design
Websites are the fastest way to get anyone to look in your direction. Whether you’re a business, a blogger, or you are a streamer. A website is the starting point of your journey. However, building a website is not easy. There are many elements to it. You need to have the skills to have an eye for a good layout. You want to make sure you’re using colors and fonts not to bore the viewers. You want the website to have an easy-to-follow format, but you also don’t want it to be too plain. Balancing all these rules can only happen if you know digital media. Working in digital media gives you an idea of what consumers want and how you can make it happen. You also pick up these skills while you’re in university, making you valuable to most businesses.
5. Computer Games
The gaming industry is quite broad. So much so that there are gaming conventions held every year. If you are interested in games, consider designing computer games. You will work alongside many professionals from the industry to pitch the storyline. The scenic environment, character design, game features, and graphics will fall on you. You will also digitize your characters using tools such as CGI. With a market brimming with potential consumers, why not try your hand at designing games.
Wrap Up
Digital media is an exciting field. With the way digitization is changing rapidly and getting more HD quality footage to work with, it is a field to keep an eye out for. If you have an interest in digital media, then you should consider working in that sector. You can become a video editor and connect all raw footage. Find yourself a space in leading animation studios as an animator. You can even become a digital journalist and create your website to mainstream your content. Maybe you can become a multimedia artist and create animations. You can even become a web designer. Finally, take a chance on the gaming sector and become a game developer.