By 2025, 80% of current data centers will be shut down, while the remaining 50% will use automation to boost productivity by 30%. More than 20 data center automation technologies are already available to help automate data center operations. If businesses want their data to be of excellent quality, they must choose just one data center automation technology. As a result, we want to help CEOs and IT executives make judgments about automation tools by educating them about the leading data center automation platforms and their unique characteristics.
1. Maveryx
Despite beginning in 2009 as an open-source initiative, Maveryx was created in 2012. The test automation tool was named “Maveryx,” derived from the founders’ names when the first public version was prepared. The business was established with the same name, and its main office is still in front of the Island of Megaride.
The Maveryx automated software testing tool offers functional UI, regression, data-driven, and codeless testing capabilities for various desktop and Web technologies. Its cutting-edge and intelligent technology examines the UI of the program while it is running, just like a senior tester would. No object repositories, maps, or code instrumentation. By using Maveryx, you may begin automating early and reduce the time it takes to market without sacrificing quality.
Advanced functional and regression testing features from Maveryx make it possible for both inexperienced and seasoned testers to create reliable automated tests for desktop and web apps. Yes, Maveryx enables you to design efficient and effective tests using either a traditional or agile approach, with or without coding.
The clever object identification engine of Maveryx is its most significant breakthrough. Our instrument distinguishes itself from every other item on the market thanks to a technology focused on people’s needs.
You must write your tests using this tool as simple as you can. The rest is up to Maveryx.
2. Redwood’s Active Batch enables securely operating cloud data centers
Prompt data distribution to the proper clients or departments is a data center’s most crucial function. However, working across cloud and virtual machine data centers might present security issues because integrating all systems at the focal point might need granting access to protocols to a group of employees who shouldn’t be allowed entry.
Since automated processes across cloud servers may need manual interventions to provide entry protocols, typical automation in the cloud and virtual machine servers may result in operational inefficiencies. As a result, system integration at a central location is only possible with traditional automation.
3. Control-M provides organization
An effective orchestration of your applications and data flow in your data center may be necessary for a smoothly operating business. As your business expands, maintaining this organization may become challenging for your IT team to do manually or with conventional technologies.
KoçSistem’s infrastructure team started to suffer as it became one of the biggest technological companies in Turkey due to a labor shortage and an excess of servers. They had trouble handling server patches that led to server vulnerabilities and initializing their servers to fulfill high-quality compliance criteria.
The contemporary WLA tool Control-M offers patch and compliance management compared to conventional solutions. By cutting down on time needed for server DevOps tasks like downloading, evaluating, testing, and mending updates from various vendors, patch management helped them with their CI/CD pipeline.