Most young adults in their early twenties aren’t living too exciting of a life, for they are likely just beginning to enter the workforce and are working on paying off their student loans. But with every flock, there’s always a black sheep who goes their own direction and does whatever they please.
Ken Conklin is one of the few black sheep in our society, and he’s living a life that most people in their early twenties simply cannot come close to affording. Yachts, mansions, traveling by jet to pick up a baby tiger, and hanging out with beautiful women seems to be the story of his life.
We reached out to Ken to hear what he has to say to people who are curious about how he has built such a life at age 22.
“I like to put on a show, for social media to me is just a game of who can make their life look the best. I use it as a marketing tool for attracting high net worth clients who want me to be their ‘social media guy,’ Ken told us.
“I make my clients look amazing online, for part of my job consists of being the guy who millionaires go to when they want to look cool online. But most of my own time is focused on my business, not necessarily having fun. While I do get invited to go on fun adventures here and there, such as when a client of mine wanted to film a fun video of us picking up a baby tiger in Euraka, I’m focused on planting seeds and running my business.”
Ken loves metaphors, for he uses them in a lot of his captions on social media. He considers working on his business “planting seeds,” and says that the way one can see growth in their life is by sacrificing today to design a better tomorrow.
What started out as him filming videos at parties has now turned into him running his company, Gravel to Castle Accelerator, which helps business owners use online marketing to acquire new customers. When you search for ‘Ken Conklin” online, you can see that Forbes, Yahoo! Finance, and even NBC news has talked about him and his accomplishments.
Given that Ken has built what he has by the age of 22, it’s no doubt that he’s just getting started. We’re looking forward to seeing not only more glamour lifestyle content of him living his life to the fullest, but also the level of success he manages to take himself to in the next few years.