Where does the fund invest? How does the fund perform? Should I invest in this fund? There are a lot of questions like these which are answered in detail below:
Axis Blue Chip Fund is one fund that any investor can consider for investment, as it invests in large-cap stocks with a market capitalization of $10 billion or more. It is always better for investors to add large cap mutual funds to diversify their portfolio. For investors looking for long-term capital appreciation where the investment portfolio is spread across large cap equity and equity related instruments, including derivatives, the Axis Blue Chip fund is the ideal choice. So, where does the fund majorly invest is the question? The fund invests in large-cap companies which are most frequently traded, and that makes them liquid and less volatile as well. The fund has been performing consistently and has a positive track record since it’s inception as it invests heavily in equity, an asset class that has the potential to outperform inflation, also building wealth in the long term.
Now, let’s look at the history of Axis Blue Chip fund in the past years:
- During the past 10 years, the fund has generated 15.6% annualized returns against the benchmark returns of 14%.
- During the past 5 years, the fund generated 17% annualized returns against the benchmark returns of 14.8%.
- In the past 1 year, the fund generated 41% returns against the benchmark returns of 47%, which show how potent the fund is.
Here are a few points which one can consider before investing in Axis Blue Chip fund:
- Large-cap stocks: This mutual fund invests in large-cap stocks and blue-chip stocks
- Impressive past performance: The fund has given consistent performance in the past and there is always a high possibility of long term future performance. Being an all-time performer in the large cap mutual fund segment makes it an ideal choice for investors.
- Best for long term investment: Investors planning to stay invested for a long period to achieve milestone goals like children’s education or marriage, retirement fund or any other future plan that requires a wealth-building strategy can invest in this fund.