Julia Cwierz is the first Esports scholar in the UK. She graduated from University of Roehampton with a degree in law. Also, she graduated as the top performing graduate in her course. She is a 21 year old who now plans to train and become a solicitor. And she also wants to study LLM Legal Practice in September.
With all this in mind, she has not abandoned the idea of a future in Esports. She said – “Looking ahead I am primarily focusing on my legal career but by no means am I ruling out the esports path. After finishing my LPC I will most likely have at least a year off, due to the training contracts starting dates when I would like to get more engaged in esports.”
“Something I feel strongly about is female representation in Esports. Currently, there are no women in the top League of Legends esports teams even though 45% of people who play games are women. I am currently involved in an initiative in the works to create an all -female team and I’m excited to see where that leads.”
Julia has been playing the game since she was 13 years old. Now she has become a diamond elo from a jungler, thereby helping in elo boosting through services like https://eloboost24.eu/. She has also become the captain of the First official League of Legends team at the University of Roehampton. And went on to compete in the NUEL university competition twice.
Because of all these reasons, she received the first ever esports scholarship from the University of Roehampton in the UK. This girl did not stop there, she also received the Oxford University Press Law Prize. Julia is now the highest overall performer for the year’s Law cohort at the university.
Julia expanded her thoughts on competing in Esports. She said- “Competing in Esports while studying an intensive course like law is challenging due to the additional extra- curricular activities I have engaged in such as volunteering and professional experience. But I wouldn’t have changed anything.”