As per the latest information provided by Virginia NORML, the commonwealth has recently made a significant progress when it comes to the use of medical cannabis for the legislative session of 2019. Virginia NORML is the state based affiliate for the National Organization for the reformation of laws for Marijuana.
The legislation is now heading to the desk of Governor Ralph Northam for expansion of access provided to patients in need of the medical cannabis based products. Senate bills 1719 as well as 1556 were passed without any opposition in both the chambers. These bills permit the full therapeutic medical cannabis items to be provided by the pharmaceutical processors. The bill SB 1719 shall allow the patients in need of their medications to acquire the same by appointing someone to collect it from an authorized provider.
Another bill, named SB 1632, was passed to allow the registered patients who are students to acquire their medical marijuana at the school itself and have the same administered by any certified healthcare provider at school. Lastly, the physicians assistants and nurse practitioners can easily register under SB 1557 to issue the written certifications provided to patients in need of medical cannabis.