Our ears play a vital role in helping us hear and maintain balance. Losing our sense of hearing can be frustrating and will diminish our quality of life. The severity of hearing loss can vary from being mild to severe depending on the condition. It can happen gradually or suddenly and therefore, it is best to be informed about the different types of hearing loss so that one can avail medical help on time.
Regular auditory check-ups at a reputed ENT clinic by a qualified ear specialist can keep your hearing in an optimised state. In addition, regular ear check-ups can help in identifying any ear disorders at an early stage. The ENT Clinic Singapore is one such practice with state of the art facilities and diagnostic test centre, catering to the treatment of ENT maladies.
While there are many ways one can permanently damage or partially lose hearing, listed below are some of the most frequently observed ways of hearing loss.
Long Exposure to Certain Noise Levels
Hearing loud music very close to the ears can be particularly damaging to your eardrum. Wearing earbuds drowns the other sounds and the music is directed right into the auditory canal. Our ears are not meant to be plugged with ear buds and having ear plugs on for a very long duration can be damaging as it can shift the sound threshold of ears, making it difficult to hear soft noises. This modern trend among youngsters is something to watch out for. Otolaryngologists caution using ear buds for long durations and it is dangerous especially in situations where noise cues are important for safety such as while walking on a street.
Aging and Genetics
As we age there is a tendency to lose hearing. This age related loss of hearing is termed presbycusis. Certain individuals are more prone to this condition than others due to genetics playing a role in this regard. Although there is nothing much which can be done to stop a person from age related loss of hearing, keeping away from loud noises and other avoidable causes can reduce the impact.
One of the little known facts is certain types of medications like pain killers, antibiotics and platinum based chemotherapy can bring about loss of hearing. These medications can gradually cause the delicate hair cells of the inner ear to die causing deterioration of hearing. Drugs which are ototoxic have properties which make it toxic to auditory cells. Some of the common drugs which induce hearing loss include strong aminoglycoside antibiotics given in case of bone infections. Some of these can lead to irreversible deafness at a very rapid phase. Even over the counter medications like aspirin and ibuprofen can lead to a mild degree of hearing loss. If you take mild pain killers in high doses, there could be a ringing sensation in the ears which may go off after discontinuing the medic. Platinum based chemotherapy too can cause toxicity to hair cells due to build-up of heavy metals.
It is a known fact that smoking is injurious to the heart and lungs. A lesser known fact is that smoking can damage hearing too. The nicotine in cigarettes can cause blood vessels to shrink and the constriction of the blood vessels to the cochlea can be affected due to insufficient blood flow and oxygen reaching it. This can have a big impact on small capillaries of the ear. When one is a lifetime smoker, it can lead to reduced hearing. Research has shown that smokers have difficulty in hearing at a higher frequency than non-smokers. It is advisable for smokers to have an annual auditory check by a specialist.
Your Occupation
Persistent workplace noises to the ears is one of the causes of hearing loss and there are many occupations which need to bear noisy environments. For instance factory workers, construction sites, heavy machinery users and lawn mowers all go through an occupational risk of heavy noise. When one is exposed to high noises then the hair cells of the cochlea can get damaged. Loud noises cause the tiny hair cells of the ear to flex through high magnitudes and eventually break off. Ear hair cells when hit hard can finally die off. Sudden exposure to heavy noise or a gradual exposure to loud noise with a cumulative effect, can both result in ear injury.
Diabetic patients can gradually lose their sense of hearing due to damage which occurs in the delicate cells within the ear. This is because there is insufficient blood reaching the cochlea due to constricted blood vessels.
Sickle Cell Anaemia
Patients with sickle cell anaemia have a deficiency in red blood cells making it difficult for proper flow of oxygen and nutrients to body cells. The ear cells are greatly affected due to insufficient blood and nutrient flow since the ear is an organ which is active all the time. Patients with sickle cell anaemia may lose their hearing suddenly due to this reason.
If you undergo head injury where there is a fractured skull or a hard blow on the ear, it can lead to perforation of the eardrum. This can lead to temporary or permanent loss of hearing depending on the severity of the trauma. Sudden drastic changes in air pressure too can cause ear drum perforation.
Prenatal exposure to disease
Congenital deafness can occur if a fetus is exposed to Rubella. In addition complications which can occur from diseases like mumps can lead to loss of hearing. Congenital deafness has been seen when the fetus is exposed to methyl mercury and quinine.
Other Diseases
Loss of hearing can be brought about by mumps, cytomegalovirus and meningitis. In certain cases, severe jaundice may also result in hearing loss. Other diseases include Meniere’s disease where it is mostly seen in individuals who are in their mid-age. Persons with this disease often have sensorineural hearing loss. The loss of hearing is temporary and recurring, over time it can lead to permanent hearing loss. Ringing in the ears and sensitivity to loud noise are common symptoms.
Acoustic Neuroma
This is when one develops a benign tumour in the cochlear leading to loss of hearing. When the tumour exerts pressure on the nerve it leads to loss of hearing and imbalance.
This is a condition where the tiny bones in the middle ear are not able to move causing a conductive hearing loss. Surgery may be needed to rectify the condition.
Loss of hearing could be prevented in certain instances if the right precautions are taken. Prevention is better than cure and it is important to be mindful about your health. If you were to develop any form of hearing loss, it is foremost to consult a hearing doctor for a proper treatment plan. The award winning ENT Clinic Singapore is a suitable choice for a quick and effective treatment plan for any hearing loss and other ear disorders if you are residing or travelling in Singapore.