This man eats, speaks, sleeps and loves travelling and intends to not leave a single place on earth unvisited.
People find themselves trapped in their daily work and personal lives, so much that they hardly get any time for themselves to live a life they want to, to see places in the world that are probably never discovered before by anyone, to meet people they have never met before, to read that unfinished book or to just take a retreat for a few days. A trend from the recent past is about choosing to travel the world to find a sense of ourselves again. Many people have resorted to travelling as a way to connect with the outside world and find their peace. Rasmus Peter Kristensen did the same; he travels around the world with his wife, meets new people, get into deep, insightful conversations with people he meets on his journeys and truly enjoys life.
Rasmus has today become a travel explorer; enthusiast and an influencer who has helped change the perspectives of life for many. Rasmus created a page called “Resort” on Instagram and through this page, he wants to inspire people to choose travelling, encourage them to live the life they wish to, enjoy each moment and share their travel stories, experiences, their insights, travel suggestions, and also share hotels and resorts of the world for others to map easily on Instagram. All these crazy travellers can also get the chance to get featured on their page by tagging @resort on the social media platform.
Life took a turn for Rasmus and guided him towards the world of travel after he experienced a panic attack and decided to take some time off work and get to travelling the world to find himself back. Rasmus and his wife travel all the corners of the world and choose to stay luxuriously at 5-star properties and resorts. Exploring new things, new places and choosing a lot of adventure has made Rasmus and his wife become professionals as travel explorers and hence they easily influence others to get on their respective voyages.
Rasmus also has a keen interest in Thai boxing, driving motor cross snowboarding and training his female German Shepherd dog Sika. With the help of Resort, Rasmus wants to bring people together and form a community of sorts of different travellers of the world who are on the same mission to inspire and influence others to travel the world.
When people from all walks of life, from different cultures and background, speak and share information on the common topic of travel on a common platform like Resort, people are bound to get inspired and get a different view about travel overall.
Follow Rasmus Peter Kristensen on Instagram @Resort