Companies of all sizes are discovering how it pays to help support community education goals. The positive impact lasts for years to come. Philanthropist Marc Zboch supports education initiatives in Cambodia, the Philippines, Haiti, Poland, Ghana, and the United States. His background in business has helped achieve global success through creating educational opportunities that last.
The Importance of Community Education
Community education thrives with involved partnerships. By working to empower communities, education can provide economic opportunities as well as social benefits. Local businesses play a key role in shaping the future of an area with continuing development.
Community education frequently looks different depending on the program. Supporting education can be channeled through scholarships for furthering academic education, charity donations, and volunteering. Educational outreach can also be achieved through tailored programs for students or career training. Since every community is unique in its needs, contribution efforts frequently vary.
Regardless of the type of education provided, the impact is often long-lasting. Community education can improve interactions between neighbors and public educators. It can also improve technical skills while building relationships.
10 Ways A Business Can Contribute To A Community’s Education
Understanding how a business can best contribute to community education depends on the location. A business can decide if it may benefit from hosting an event or teaching a class by assessing specific areas’ needs. Businesses can contribute in several ways depending on their resources, time, and investment.
Host a School Field Trip
College and High School students are eager to see what a real business looks like. You can give them an understanding of how the different business departments work together. You also plant seeds for future hires or internships. Invite inner-city students who may not have the opportunity to hear an employer’s perspective. If you don’t have the facilities to host a field trip, you can chaperone a trip to another destination. Field trips can include historical sites, museums, factories, or any place to expand perception and critical thinking. This type of community education is ideal for local businesses that know the area they are working in and can build relationships with students in the community.
Teach a class
Teaching a class can be accomplished through a community recreation center, a community college, or a school. Every individual has something they are knowledgeable about, and putting that knowledge to use can help benefit kids and adults. Even classes that do not discuss the community directly are still helpful, especially when building connections.
Sponsor a Charity
Sponsoring a charity within the community can help teachers and students. Depending on the community, several charities are designed to help students with food insecurity. Other charities may help early childhood education or provide tutoring for students with special needs. Marc Zboch has been involved with multiple charities over the years to help benefit developing countries in Southeast Asia. Researching the type of charity is an important aspect when deciding where to donate money.
Fund Scholarships
Many businesses can provide financial help toward future educational opportunities in the form of a scholarship. Scholarships like the one Marc Zboch started are intended for high school seniors as well as college students. Many individuals who may not have attended college can now do so without the additional burden of providing extra financial support.
Support Early Childhood Education Programs
Early childhood education programs vary depending on the community but generally include teaching basic skills to students. Math and reading skills are usually a part of early childhood education, and youth programs can provide this education with engaging activities and instruction. Early childhood programs include education for toddlers as well as children under 8.
Local businesses can often partner with schools to help further education for students in the community. Since most local businesses have an interest in the future of their community, investing in local schools makes sense. A partnership can provide schools with guest speakers, mentorships, and student conferences. School partnerships can be made with public, private, and community education centers.
Employment Training
Businesses can help community education by providing the necessary skills it takes to enter the employment world. Depending on the business, training may involve specific skills for a trade career or personal communication techniques. Teaching employment training classes can be done at a community college, Technical school, recreational center, or high school. The volunteer can teach the entire class or guest lecture. It’s a great way to meet the students and see how they work and think before hiring them.
Support Coaches
Athletic programs are part of a community’s education and can teach group dynamics necessary for the future. Businesses can support athletic programs by donating money or equipment as well as time. Volunteering to coach or assist an existing coach can benefit children and students’ social development for many years. Some inner-city and poor rural sports programs lack funds for uniforms. Sometimes it’s up to the Coaches to buy uniforms out of their own pockets.
Host Any Event
Businesses can help involve students by hosting a community event. Events can include historical themes or plays. Events can also consist of spelling contests or trivia games. Talent shows are another way to help parents and students come together for community educational purposes. Hosting an event usually involves teachers, students, parents, and the community at large.
Direct Donations
Businesses that give direct donations can do so to a local institution. This can be a school, community center, youth program, or athletic team. When a business donates directly, it may market through banners or t-shirts or choose to host specialized events. However much involvement is necessary, a business will directly communicate with the community leaders of that program.
Helping Communities Thrive
To help communities thrive, thriving businesses and schools are crucial. Businesses can provide a physical sense of community and pride and support for the educational needs of the area. When a community’s education is properly supported, leadership and confidence can recreate successful businesses for generations.
Community education brings inclusiveness, access to public information, and institutional responsiveness. Investing in a local area increases the likelihood of neighborly involvement as well as financial rewards. When everyone works together to create an ideal environment, a community has pride, determination, and the educational skills to succeed.