The Republican candidate, Mark Harris, a lead for North Carolina’s 9th Congressional District had been fighting to have the results certified; although, this backtracked and called for a new election on Thursday. The State Board of elections of North Carolina unanimously declared the need for a new election, later on Thursday’s afternoon.
The absentee ballots of the election were fraudulently tampered by an operative hired by Mark Harris. This piece of information came into existence after several days of testimony investigation. There are shreds of evidence which show that Harris’ campaign had also attempted to conceal the ballot tampering from state’s investigation.
The ballot tampering was actually done with the campaign operative, Leslie McCrae Dowless stooping as low as to instruct worker to falsely sign ballots possessing witnesses or fill in votes for the election that had been left blank before mailing them. Under the state law of North Carolina, both the actions are exceptionally illegal.
These revelations have likely put a period to any aspirations that Harris may have had to hold any elected office. In December 2018 the state lawmakers passed a new law that a new primary to be held, mandatorily in case of an uncertified election and even if Harris decided to run again; he would certainly lose that primary.