It was one month ago that Marvel’s Avengers game received a mixed reaction at E3 2019. But at the Marvel game Hall H Panel at San Diego Comic-Con on Thursday, the news was different. Also, the Square Enix game received a longer look by fans.
The fans saw a 20 minute long gameplay on Marvel’s Avengers at San Diego Comic-Con. And the footage was about the same San Francisco disaster that took place at the E3 2019. But this time, fans saw more substantial gameplay of each character. And the footage got screened by the Comic Con attendees because it isn’t set to hit the internet until 1 week after Gamescom in August.
Marvel’s Avengers footage starts off with Thor, the God of Thunder. He makes an entrance and seems very arrogant as he saves a human. And his snotty response to the human’s thank you is “lucky for you, I am mighty.” Thor plays his role as the arrogant God of Thunder by electrocuting many armed soldiers and it makes us think of Jedi Power from Star wars.
The scene shifts from Thor to Tony Stark. And here he is flying around a crumbling Golden Gate Bridge and firing away at enemies. All his weaponry falls dim in front of Bruce Banner, who shifts to Hulk. And all hell breaks loose. He does the usual Hulk stuff and smashes the enemies to pieces. Even though none of the characters have any resemblance to their MCU counterparts, Captain America looks a tad bit like Chris Evans.
Captain America sends his shield shooting through the enemies, and uses his shield as a boomerang. Other than him there is Black Widow who bears resemblance to Lara Croft. She throws a series of punches at Taskmaster. And jumps into the bridge, making quite a show.
The Avengers can’t avert the disaster, and Captain America is probably dead. At least that is what fans deducted from the footage.
And the single player and multi player co-op is set to be released on May 15, 2020. Also, the game has downloadable content.