Representative Matt Willhite, a Democrat running for the County Commission District 6 seat in Palm Beach County, has recently come under fire in the election for his personal agenda.
Willhite may be running as a Democrat in the race, but his actions tell a different story; one that better aligns with Republicans, Ron DeSantis and the NRA.
He backed the NRA on their plans for concealed guns, according to votes he made in 2017. This pro-NRA agenda not only shows a lack of care for the safety of Palm Beach County, but it’s also harmful to the state of Florida as a whole. In 2019, nearly 3,000 Floridians died by gun violence, or an average of eight people every day, according to The Educational Fund to Stop Gun Violence. Willhite’s support of concealed carry guns is not only irresponsible, but also negligent to the wellbeing of local communities.
Willhite also recently voted alongside Republicans to strip Florida’s housing fund. His vote went after state housing trust funds meant to help make housing more affordable for individuals and families in need. Voting three times with Republicans to strip over $450 million from the state trust fund, Willhite has significantly contributed to the limiting of affordable housing projects for low income communities throughout Florida.
That isn’t the only time that Representative Willhite has voted to support Republican interests. He voted with Florida Governor Ron DeSantis for COVID policies that make it harder for families to seek justice after COVID-realted malpractice. The bill, SB 7014, or “COVID-19 Claims Against Health Care Providers,” was signed back in February 2022. The legislature provides liability protection to health-care providers, even when their COVID-19 protocols have led to unnecessary medicines, ventilations and deaths. This can include nursing homes, doctors, hospitals, or any treatment facility seeing patients for COVID-19 symptoms. Families won’t have the ability to take necessary legal action against healthcare providers, and this should be a concern as the COVID-19 pandemic remains ongoing.
Another point of concern for voters should be Willhite’s personal interests taking precedence over the needs of his constituents. To start, he’s funded special interest PACs that donated to Republicans, even against members of his own political party. In the current 2022 campaign, Willhite has received over $400,000 from a group that endorsed Ron DeSantis in his re-election campaign. Willhite‘s ties to Republican endorsing groups is causing questions for voters in the District 6 primary.
Matt Willhite’s actions have made it clear that he has turned his back not only on Democrats, but also on the people of Palm Beach County. You can read more about WIllhite’s record of votes at https://floridareportcard.com/legislator/rep-matt-willhite
The Democratic Primary election is to be held on Tuesday, August 23, 2022. For more information on the primary election and important voter dates, please visit https://www.votepalmbeach.gov/Elections/Election-Dates-and-Deadlines.