Taylor Shien is a social media influencer turned entrepreneur who is a proud owner of a skincare brand named DermaClear Skin. This young diva started off her career as a commercial model and gained immense fame owing to her huge body of work.
Taylor being already famous in the modelling industry faced lot of skincare issues that made her try on hands on various products to get away with her issues. After finding out the ultimate solution, Taylor decided to leverage her fanbase and create a brand that helped other females like her.
Talking about her journey, Taylor says, “DermaClear Skin was inspired by my own personal struggle with acne. I had-skin issues from teenage to adult year. My skin was frustratingly-temperamental even with hormonal breakouts. I was constantly-searching for a resolution. No products seemed to-work and if they did, it was-only for a short time before reverting back to how it had been before. I was-jaded dealing with breakouts which always seemed to occur-at the worst time. I found myself consistently covering blemishes-and scars. I had no-idea how liberating it felt be comfortable-in my own skin without makeup or concealer. Then I started going to an-esthetician and it opened an door for natural holistic approaches. For 3 years I tried numerous-methods including essential oils and exclusive herbs-until I found one that-not only worked for me but for-my friends as-well”.
She further adds, “I knew I had created something-life changing for all skin types. I had a product that visibly improved-acne in 2-3 days and cleared acne/blemishes just in weeks. I knew I-had to pay it forward and help others conquer acne once and for all”.