Usually while traveling, you end up taking long stretches between meals. No matter you travel in what format – road, railways, or the air. A healthy snack can help in nourishing you and satisfying your hunger between stops.
It is always advisable to never ever travel without carrying snacks in your bag. As we all know that traffic and weather in today’s date are very unpredictable. So it is better to have something in your bag which could be consumed in the hour of need. Though we do find airports and convenience stops well-stocked with plenty of healthy items, but on occasions even in big cities you have very few nutritious options available.
Do you know that by eating healthy snacks (gezonde snacks) well, you are likely to get less irritable during those unpredictable delays? Plus, bringing your own food helps you in not burning a hole in your pocket for the over-priced airport and rest stop fare. When you are out on a vacation, a healthy eating routine can help you easily offset vacation weight gain and also make you feel better during the trip.
There are some nutritionist-approved picks to choose from to make your travel healthy. According to nutritionists, all you have to do is ensure that your travel snacks are easily portable for road trips and airplane travel. While traveling by Air you should carry only such snacks that can pass the TSA inspection. Yogurt, nut butter, and dips like hummus and guacamole fall in the category of “liquids and gels”. Therefore, their containers should be as per the size required to make it through US security. Make it a point to abide them. Any fresh food item carried should be easy to tote and not too messy to eat on the go.
Some registered dietitians (RDs) have given few guidelines to be considered at the time of picking up your snack for travel. According to them you should carry food items made up from grains especially whole food grains. Food ingredients like beans, nuts, seeds, fruits, veggies and whole grains are the best, safe and healthy. Another important point that the dietitians emphasize is to control the added amount of sugar and sodium in it.
So, henceforth healthy snacks should be a part of your packing itinerary in addition to sneakers, sunscreen, clothing, etc.