Omran Omais, the Panamanian writer of the book, “Life is not what it seems” has asserted that most of the people feel miserable because they don’t get the love in their life. In this book, he has expressed his views on various segments such as religion, life, and healing. Highlighting the key to finding happiness, Omran has said that happiness can only be achieved by understanding the three levels of mind. He said that by programming the subconscious mind, every type of disease can be cured.
The young author offers his free help to the people suffering from mental as well as an emotional disturbance. He said that people don’t have stability and happiness in their life because they don’t get the required love from society. In addition to this, he has said that the cure of every type of disease is in the mind.
In his book, “Life is not what it seems,” Omran has mentioned that people don’t have any knowledge about programming their mind. He said that it is the right use of functions of the pineal gland which could help to cure diseases such as cancer and AIDS. The Panamanian writer has also said that prayers play an important role in cutting off the negative energy from our lives.
And, he also asserted that prayers last only for a certain duration of time and hence it is crucial to pray after a regular interval to prevent ourselves from negative energy. Omran Omais has made the digital version of his book available to everyone for free. He said that he doesn’t want any fame which is why he has made his book available to everyone for free.