It has been a couple of months since the lockdown. Many countries are still going to continue the lockdown until the spread of the virus does not stop. In a global pandemic, it is hard to keep the world economy stable. Many are losing their jobs, there have been cut off in salaries, and companies are letting go of employees.
Due to all this, people are going to face an economic crisis. Thats why people must start looking for part time roles during the lockdown. It is better to go for jobs that involve working from home and involve your skills. Here are a few part-time jobs that can give you the extra cash.
Being a freelance content writer is one of the easiest ways to earn some extra money. You must have basic writing skills, a computer, and a proper Internet connection.
People who have excellent communication skills and a pleasant personality can become customer support specialists. They can work from home, and the schedule is flexible. So, it can be an excellent part-time job.
Being a Social media strategist is the hottest new job in town. One has to have basic knowledge of product promotions and customer engagement. Other than social media strategist, one can also become a social media influencer and earn some money. But that’s only possible if the person has a great fan following on social media platforms like Instagram.
If not social media, one can also spend time teaching. With the schools closed, students need tutors more than ever. Online tutoring will soon become a thing. It will also act as a part-time job until the lockdown ends. Having an extra job will be a secondary source of income in these trying times.