Healthcare professionals work towards helping to protect and promote the health of individuals, communities, and families at home and abroad. Hence, it is crucial that healthcare leaders must have certain leadership skills that would help them effectively make a positive change in the future of the health sector.
Data Analyzation and Application
Data has always served as a critical part of public health decision making and leaders will use that data for making changes. Population health initiatives tend to use data analytics in order to create and improve strategies for population health management. The health sector makes use of real time and historical data to forecast future events for healthcare events for healthcare organisations and to improve community health.
Education Empowerment
To promote the well-being of all people, healthcare professionals focus on exploring opportunities that can constantly inform, educate, and empower people when they make lifestyle choices. They can coordinate or support health education in order to build knowledge, aid in informing decision-making choices, and develop behaviours and skills for a healthier lifestyle. Being a successful leader in healthcare means having comprehensive communication plans and outreach to the community. These strategies can vary – media posts, social advocacy, public meetings, etc. are just a few examples of how you can go about it.
Health Access And Opportunities
When we were hit with the impacts of COVID-19, it began to highlight the health disparities and many other forms of healthcare inequalities. An example can be how there is a disproportionate impact of the outcomes of healthcare for those who are living in poverty and communities of colour. Therefore, it is the duty of the health sector to ensure that the community of health focuses on holistic approaches and effectively identify concerns in order to bring about economic stability, access to quality education, healthcare, and community support systems.
You can see many of these qualities present in health leaders like Dave Nayak who has been known for being one of the best physicians and philanthropists of our time. As a man with a vision, Dave is also the man who founded the Strength to Love Foundation (STL) and the owner of Nayak Farms.
In 2009 and 2010, Dave was selected by the CBS-2 News Chicago to become a Medical-Investigation Producer and Reporter. During this time he would work on reporting dangerous over-the-counter supplements and the importance of automatic defibrillator maintenance. And while he was under the mentorship of CBS-2 News Chief Correspondent Jay Levine, he created and produced 10 on-air stories.
In regards to the COVID-19 pandemic, Dave formed the Dr. Dave on Call where he assisted various small businesses and schools throughout Chicago. In 2020, he formulated and helped implement custom COVID-19 Standard Operating Procedures (SOPs) so that schools and companies could operate safely during the pandemic on a large geographical scale.
As the president of the non-profit organisation,’ ‘Strength to Love Foundation”, Dave uses this platform to bring about efforts to improve the access of healthcare and food security. In addition to that, Dave has donated more than thousands of sweet corn to the major Illinois Food Brands through the Nayak Farms Sweet Corn Initiative – which are just a few examples of some of the many efforts he has implemented in order to help the healthcare industry thrive in such trying times.