Psychologists have revealed the adverse impact of social media on the mental health of teenagers. According to them, teenage children are experiencing many mental health problems due to the addicted use of various social media platforms.
Further, they have added that children are facing mental disorders such as anxiety, stress, and depression due to the high use of social media. Highlighting the adverse effects of social media platforms on teenagers, psychologists have said that teenagers compare themselves with their friends after seeing their posts.
And it adversely affects their self-esteem and decreases their self-belief. If they fail to achieve anything in comparison to their friends, they end up developing insecurities and loneliness. Moreover, they have said that a lot of teens are facing bad mental health issues and it is basically due to the wrong interpretation of the real-world.
Spending hours on social media on a daily basis makes it difficult for them to build a strong bond with the real world. And a lot of teenagers often get distracted after indulging in wrong relationships with bad people. It doesn’t just spoil their performance in studies but it also decreases their overall standard in every other thing they do in their life.
In order to check the activities of their children on social media accounts, parents are finding ways to hack their Facebook account to protect them from cyberbullying or cybercrimes. They are consulting psychiatrists for their children to help them cope with personality disorder and avoid falling into a trap of perfectionism.