A 34-year-old software engineer and highly successful entrepreneur is setting the gold standard when it comes to cryptocurrency.
Toby Odgronik took control of what is often seen as a volatile and tricky currency and now profits like Midas—working alongside his successful film Highstack.co, Odgronik is the only one on his team that deals in crypto. Since entering the market, profits are pushing nearly $500,000 a month and soaring. He began his journey back in January 2021, at the height of the popularity of shit coins such as “Shibu Inu”, after poor investment choices led him to change course. Odgronik made a decision to start launching them himself with the help of his team at Highstack He was also competing against freelancers from Fiverr and Upwork.
Once word from clients spread that these independent workers often would scam or leave them hanging, he decided to pivot everything to in-house becoming a fully-fledged agency. His choice proved to be the correct one as they utilized skills his co-workers already possessed to successfully launch DeFI projects and anything else clients wanted.
Their reputation grew and soon they became overrun with client requests. Clients also seemed to appreciate they were an actual agency as opposed to some of the workers on those sites. They had to raise their rates by 20% for the first time in their history to shave off some of the demand. Within a week their rates were 2x normal and by a month they increased five-fold compared to when they were just doing regular web2 projects.
This dramatic increase in profit was after pivoting from web2 into crypto. He’s also dabbled in other projects, such as delivering over five coin launches, three DeFi farms, two custom DEX’s and one NFT project. Instead of chasing gains by investing in crypto, Toby and his team build tools for investors and even launch cryptocurrencies as well as NFTs for clients. He believes most coins and NFTS are fads and will die out but will continue to launch because it’s something everyone wants at the moment.
If his experience doesn’t impress you, then his monthly profits will. His earnings are something many can only dream of one day achieving. For Odgronik, it’s a reality, and the sky’s the limit.