Though girls prefer artificial beauty more for their public appearance, when it comes to occasional surprises or gifts, they are still loving and expecting natural flowers from their relatives, lover, or spouse. Flowers are liked by every age of people but girls are benefiting more flower stores as compared to others. Our team has studied various public data sources to find the people’s interest in the flowers.
We have also talked to several store owners about their customers’ demands. Most of them told that male customers visit more in their flower shop as compared to girls. When they were asked about the reason behind more male visits at the stores, they replied they just want to impress every lady of their life on special occasions such as mother’s day, rose day, valentine’s day, birthday and friendship day. Flowers are the best way for males to convey their feelings of love, sorry gesture and anything which they hesitate to express. FloraQueen has a wide collection of fresh flowers that people can use to convey their emotional message to someone special of their life.
To know about the girls’ views about their attraction towards flowers, we managed to have some real conversation with some girls. They were asked about the importance of flowers in their life and what kind of gift they expect from their loved ones on special occasions. Most of them prefer natural flowers more as compared to other modern greeting gifts. They told that flowers are a real beauty and they make them feel special when someone offers the flowers occasionally. They also told that every flower has a meaning and they can know about the feeling of the flower’s sender without any communication.