The progress of humanity has always been a slow and gradual process. Since the time of the neanderthals, development has occurred in big gaps. The discovery of fire and it’s being utilized to bring convenience to the people of that time was not a process completed in a day or two. Progress has always been hard, but the most challenging element of society to progress is not one that is related to social development. The rights of a person as a human being are the most basic necessities of a person. However, unfortunately, these rights are even in today’s world that people seldom enjoy. The Male Encounter Revue is a company that is trying to empower a change in society in the most out-of-the-box way. The company is trying to liberate womankind from the invisible shackles of society.
When a child comes into this world, even though they have no consciousness or intelligence, they are entitled to some basic rights owed to them for being living beings. However, this was not always the case. Superiority based on social and wealth levels ranged to extreme extents in the past. The wealthy had a birthright given to them to do whatever they wanted to people of a lower status than them. This was not concentrated on any specific area but a global phenomenon. Injustice based on superiority was the norm back then. As time progressed, laws were made to abolish such backward acts of slavery and inhumanity. But as observed, the evil known as inequality was not destroyed but rather took on a different shape.
Women were always considered a weak and inferior race to men and were treated as such. Slavery had become illegal, but the way women were treated could not be called anything less than that. Women were not considered equal human beings but as material objects to be owned. They were deprived of primary education and representation by a hierarchy dominated by men. Their only purpose in life was to be of service to men and nothing else. Such mistreatment was even continued after the discovery and independence of America. Sometimes women of America were not allowed to vote for any elections and were deprived of the right to choose their leaders.
In today’s society, the past practices, although they have been made illegal, have not disappeared. Due to several laws and policies, women are required by law to be respected and given a place of equal standing as men. There are far more opportunities present today for women than in the past. However, true evil never wholly disappears from people’s hearts as made apparent. Nowadays, acts of inequality are carried not in the open but through unsaid and hidden means. Because of the poor experiences of existence throughout history, there were some basic etiquettes and ways of inhabitance taught to women by their elders from a very young age. Being a human being, regardless of whether a man or woman, feelings are a thing both equally present in both. The feelings of love, hate, admiration, disgust, and arousal are some things that are natural phenomena. Although inherited by both men and women, these feelings can only be openly expressed by men. Women that openly express such feelings or expressions are considered of a vial nature and thought to be skanky and have an immoral demeanor. Womenkind globally has been shackled by the invisible chains of society’s illogical expectations. They are expected to behave in a certain way that inhibits their ability to express themselves or even lets off some stress. The Male Encounter Revue founders understood these limitations imposed on women. They decided to create a place where they could openly express themselves and let out all their suppressed emotions.
The Male Encounter Revue is a male adult entertainment organization that is based in Boston, Massachusetts, and was founded in 1985. The founders of this establishment understood that if left alone, women would become suffocated in life itself, and society would soon take an ugly turn that would be catastrophic to everyone. This establishment aimed to provide women with a secure haven where they could indulge in all the acts that men can do openly but women cannot.
Changing society is not a goal able to be accomplished quickly or easily. Empowering a change in society is not in their hands. Still, the company could provide services that help elevate the stress, and social loathe that becomes insuppressible for women after some time. The Male Encounter revue is a place where women can come and enjoy the company of male performers to their heart’s content. They can behave in any way of their liking and let out all the stress that they have accumulated.
The exotic male dancers employed by the company and the other staff are all trained to do everything in their power to accommodate the wishes of their clients. Women are treated with the utmost respect and given a positive attention they lack outside the establishment’s walls. The performers treat their customers like royalty and ensure that their customers leave feeling much more confident and better about themselves at the end of the night.
Since the initial start, the Male Revenue has seen a substantial surge in business and has successfully franchised to different locations along the east coast of the United States. The company’s goal of being a place where women can be themselves openly was achieved, which can be seen by the constant increase in clientele. The company hopes to spread to newer locations in a broader plane and help empower more women around the globe.