People who know sciatica would know the meaning of piriformis syndrome too. Those who are unaware we will help you understand what it means. Sciatica is a condition where the body pain begins from the buttocks and reaches down on either or both legs. The problem occurs due to irritation or pressure on nerves in the lower back. This illness is sometimes also referred to as piriformis syndrome. Newtown piriformis syndrome centres offer you the best services in the town.
Most people often refer to it as the condition that is responsible for putting pressure on the nerves. Piriformis is the name of one of the muscles that stretches from the front of the sacrum. In layman words, it is responsible for the movement of your thighs. When Piriformis muscle spasm puts stress on the sciatic and surrounding nerves, this condition is called Piriformis syndrome by health experts.
What should you know about Piriformis syndrome?
Following are some common symptoms of Piriformis syndrome that you must be aware of. These are shared by existing patients and best health experts in Newton…
Symptoms for Piriformis syndrome:
- Numbness in the buttocks
- Ticklish feeling that goes from buttocks to the back of the leg
- Muscle tenderness in the buttocks area
- Discomfort while sitting
- Inconvenience in sitting for prolonged hours
- Buttocks ache that worsens while sitting
What causes Piriformis syndrome?
You may feel like knowing the reason that is responsible for Piriformis syndrome. The reasons are many and we have mentioned some most common ones for your references:
- Excessive exercise
- Overuse of muscles
- Running, jogging, and following repetitive exercises that involves leg movements
- Weight lifting heavy objects
- Frequent stair climbing
How can you treat Piriformis syndrome?
Newton has some of the best health experts in treating Piriformis syndrome. Some have even advised and suggested trying a few remedies at home until they find the need to seek medical support. Let’s discuss these tips in detail:
- Try the seat stretch position whenever you have time in between. One of the successful ways to treat Piriformis syndrome is by sitting straight. Take support of a belt or towel to get a straight position.
- A healthy body can ease down knee and ankle pain. Losing weight helps too!
- Exercise is good for a healthy lifestyle however; overdoing it will be bad for Piriformis syndrome.