On Sunday, February 10th a pit bull named Tommie was tied to a pole, doused in accelerant and then set on fire in Richmond’s Abner Clay Park. The person who violently burned the pit bull is being searched in Richmond. Also, Virginia’s legislature passed a bill to stiffen the penalty for cruelty against animal just after ten days of the incident taking place. Despite the bill being based on another animal cruelty case, some commoners have dubbed it as “Tommie’s Law.”
The suspect may face a felony charge if the animal dies as a direct result of torture or any inhumane injury under the current that is passed. Sen. DeSteph (R-Virginia Beach) increased the penalty to a felony for cruelly or unnecessarily beating, mutilating, maiming, or killing an innocent cat or dog.
A dog named Sugar was attacked with a machete in Virginia Beach three years ago after which Sen. DeSteph has been working on the legislation. He also stated that the crime definitely matches the penalty. He also added to his statement that the horrible act and not the outcome must be considered a felony. If any animal is maliciously wounded or even tortured brutally the culprit must face charges.